Does the 30 Day Shred ever get easier?

I have been doing the 30 day shred for 9 days now (I did miss a couple days or else I'd be on day 12). I did the first 8 days without any weights and the most recent day with 5lb weights and even then I had to put them down for some things.

I have found that it is not really any easier than day 1. Sure, I can do a few more push-ups but I feel like I'm still really weak. In fact, the last few days I have felt like my muscles were filled with lead as everything just felt heavy.

I feel so discouraged and really don't want to move on to level 2 when I can't even do one part of level 1 without stopping. I've head all these stories of people who could do it all without stopping by day 5 and I feel so lame! Any advice or encouragement would be awesome.


  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    I did the 30 DS in April and could go through the moves without stopping. It all depends on the person though, for some people it is harder, especially if you haven't been working out before. You are doing a great job by not giving up or quitting. Eventually you will build up the stamina to go through an entire workout. I love Jillian Michaels DVDs and am currently doing the Ripped in 30 oone. The results I see from the workouts give me so much more motivation. You will see results whether or not you can complete the entire workout all at once; just take quick, short breaks and keep going. Level 2 is a killer by the way!
  • OnTheGround
    OnTheGround Posts: 78
    1) I think you have to do it with no breaks, especially if you are starting from a place of not working out like that previously.
    2) Getting fit is a long term journey.........I would never have been able to do 30DS 2 years ago. Now it's super easy for me. That result didn't happen in 9 days (or even 30 days). I do 30 DS now and it's fairly easy for me, but I agree with you, I didn't really notice much of a difference after 30 days. But 30 days is not usually a ton of change anyways.
    3) Hey! You CAN do something better! (push ups!) That's easier and that's progress, so I think you're doing something right!
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    It got a little easier for me as I worked through it, but it never actually became easy, if that makes any sense. I think if it's too easy, it's not really a workout worth doing.

    Maybe try decreasing your weights? I have 3 lb. ones and they are tough but not too hard for me during the Shred.

    Are you trying to do the advanced versions of the exercises or the beginner ones? For example, are you doing push-ups on your knees? I still can't do "real" pushups without being on my knees, but I didn't let that stop me from moving forward. Your muscles are probably tired, but unless you have a real injury, my thought is that you need to keep moving in order to make them grow stronger.

    When you talk about stopping, what does that mean? Do you pause and catch your breath for a few seconds, or do you have to actually turn off the DVD and come back to do the second circuit later? The first is probably normal (heck, I've been there before).

    Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone has different strengths and ability levels and you just need to worry about what is best for you and what you still need to work on. When I finished the first 10 days of Level 1, I moved on because I was bored and wanted to see what the next level looked like. Some people are committed to really doing everything well in one level before moving to the next. It really comes down to what you want and what you feel is best for your workout program.
  • redmagpie91
    redmagpie91 Posts: 77 Member
    I do the beginner versions of most moves except for lunges, For some reason they are hard, but I can practically touch my knee to the floor. I did work out before this which is how I lost the first 15 lbs. I did mostly light cardio.

    I don't stop completely, just take a few seconds to catch my breath during push-ups especially. I have asthma so most of my breaks are for my breathing or my poor calf muscles. I have heard that asthma can also contribute to muscle fatigue. I have been really trying to do it every day, but unfortunately I suffer from really bad migraines and there was a few days where I couldn't stand up without throwing up let alone work out. I am very happy that I can finally do 20 (girl)push-ups without stopping!

    I think I am going to have to do at least 15 days of level one cause there is just no way I can move on to a higher level feeling like this. My muscles aren't sore, just tight and heavy if that makes sense. I just hate that I did it last night and it seemed just as hard as day one. Maybe it was just yesterday and today I will feel fantastic, but I have a feeling the TV will be getting my middle finger a lot!
  • CindySportsMom3
    CindySportsMom3 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't give up. I am on level 2 and it is harder. It is taking me longer to get the 10 days in because of my schedule. If you keep going you will notice a difference in your body. If you have to stay on level 1 a bit longer thats ok, your still getting a great work out.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    It does get easier, sort of. The first time I did the 30DS, I was using soup cans as weights, and that was tough. I bought 3lb weights for my second round, and that was tough. Now I'm using 3lb weights and following Natalie with the tougher moves. I thought about getting heavier weights, but I'm using the 30DS more as a calisthenic exercise since I've started lifting.

    I'm still sweaty and tired at the end of the 20 minutes. Just keep doing as much as you can and you will see progress. :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Who cares if you take 15 or 30 or 45 days to perfect Level 1? You're working out consistently, getting stronger and fitter and THAT is what ultimately matters. Well done and keep up the good work!
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    It doesn't get easier, you get better ... then you push a little a harder!
  • TheDoctorDonna10
    First of all JM says herself that you should just start doing the routine 3 days a week so starting out doing it everyday might just be too much for you, I know it is for me. The first time I did 30 DS I used 3 lb weights & had to stop a few times for a couple seconds but I made it through, however by the end of the workout I was in tears & quite profusely cussing & threatening JM (there really were some inventive threats coming out of my mouth). You have to find a balance of what works for you & what you can handle. Maybe just do 30 DS every other day & do something else on the in between days, like pilates or just a simple floor routine that works good for you. Being able to do more push ups is DEFINITELY an improvement & you should feel proud of that. Every day you're getting just a little bit stronger & a little bit better :smile: I wouldn't worry about pressuring yourself to move up to level 2 too fast, just do level 1 for thirty days(or however long) until can make it through the whole routine without feeling like you're going to die & then move up. Good luck!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Just go at your own pace. Heck -- it's called the "30 day shred" but if it takes you 60 days or more so what? I mean this is for you and you alone.You're getting more fit and that's all that matters. I've done the comparison thing too. Like when I did the Couch to 5k program recently. After about six weeks you're suddenly supposed to be able to jog over 20 minutes at a time without stopping. I wasn't able to. So did I quit? Hell no! I just did what I could and kept going. Just keep on keepin' on. :drinker:
  • bassettmama
    bassettmama Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, it gets easier, after a year or two, LOL. I have been doing the Shred on and off for years and only within the last few months did it get easy enough that I switched to 5lb weights (and now it's kicking my butt again). Keep working and do as much as you can each time and keep trying the harder versions even if you think you can't do them, one day you will be able to. And yeah, I only did it 3-4 days a week when I first started and did each level for 2-3 weeks before moving on. You won't feel ready but at least moving on to the next level will keep you from getting bored.
  • TheSnark
    TheSnark Posts: 7 Member
    And hey, there is one more thing we are all forgetting!!! Take time and the occasional break day to go do something FUN! I mean why do you want to lose weight? Is it to look good or to have more fun? I am currently doing Couch to 10k and am about to start the 30DS but I got through 10 days before and noticed progress but had to stop because of a job change and move. I am 5'7" and weigh 230lbs and it sucks, but NOT ONLY because of my looks. I really really really miss doing fun things! I miss riding, backpacking, kayaking, soccer, and the general feeling of "I can take on the world"! I want to get into running, not just to run, but to run mud and obstacle course like the Tough Mudder. This is why I want it.

    So think. Why do YOU?