Burnt Out.

I'm Completly burnt out and i just want to quit. Tracking what i eat every day is exaughsting and I'm a picky eater so i don't have alot of options. please help me.


  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Don't give up! Everybody gets burned out, I'm crazy burnt out myself right now. Just remember, it's a pain in the tush right now, but it's so worth it. Every morning you wake up you have the a choice to make; either work toward your goal or delay reaching your goal by another day (or more.) Time is going to pass by regardless of how you spend it. It might be hard, and frustrating, but every day you don't do something about it, you're just setting yourself up to have to work on it for an even longer period of time. Just get to work and get it over with. :) I'm a picky eater myself, so I understand how hard it can be to find healthy options that you'll still enjoy. My advice, eat what you want to eat, just make sure you don't eat so much of it that you go over your calories for the day. If there is something healthy you like that's low in calories, eat that to your hearts content.