Help with diet...

Hello there!

I have been eating very well for the past couple months and have seen no weight loss. By eating well I mean a ton of vegetables and protein, fruits, minimal if any dairy and carbs or refined starches or sugar. I also try to eat organic (not that it makes a difference in calories) and am very holistic. During those 2 months I ate around 1200-1500 calories. Fitness pal recommends for my job and to loose weight I eat 1200 already. I started p90x and am keeping my calories down to that amount (1200-1500) but if I'm hungry I don't hesitate to eat more, I am just more carful on what I choose to eat during that time. My question is, do you think this will prevent me from loosing weight, seeing as I didn't even lose weight while cutting back my calories before without the exercise?


  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Since I can't see your diary, I can't point out anything specific that might be happening. One thing to keep in mind though, the less you have to lose, the harder and slower it goes to lose it. If it's been more than 2 months and you haven't lost even an ounce, you might be miss tracking some of your calories and eating closer to your maintaining calorie intake. How are you measuring your food? Are you adding anything to your water that you're forgetting to track? (tea powder, flavor powders, etc) Are you drinking enough water? Are you possibly mistaking being hungry for being thirsty and adding extra calories in that way that you may not actually need?
  • I weigh 185 at 5'2 so my goal weight for now is 140, 45 pounds to lose in the beginning shouldn't be so hard :/. I track my calories very well, and the only thing I put into my water is lemon lol I do have coffee but I get an Americano with light almond milk and count it, if anything I over count calories. I don't drink enough water but I have started focusing on that more. Either way I'm under 1200 calories a day usually and doing p90x.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Try eating more. Eating under 1200 a day and doing P90X seems like a bad combination. If your goal is 1200-1500 then you eating under could be problematic.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Since I can't see your diary, I can't point out anything specific that might be happening. One thing to keep in mind though, the less you have to lose, the harder and slower it goes to lose it. If it's been more than 2 months and you haven't lost even an ounce, you might be miss tracking some of your calories and eating closer to your maintaining calorie intake. How are you measuring your food? Are you adding anything to your water that you're forgetting to track? (tea powder, flavor powders, etc) Are you drinking enough water? Are you possibly mistaking being hungry for being thirsty and adding extra calories in that way that you may not actually need?

    ^^^This. Also are you taking measurements? How do your clothes fit?

    If you are not losing weight you are not in a deficit (minus a medical condition). Do you use a food scale or measuring cups? Measuring cups are not accurate for solid foods, YouTube has many examples. You also have to be careful when logging food that the entries are correct. How are you tracking exercise calories? The MFP database usually overestimates actual burns so it is recommended you eat back 1/2 or 3/4 of your exercise calories.

    Read the following link for good information:
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    1200 is not the minimum when you're doing P90X, even on rest days.

    This will give you a proper TDEE (should be the average calories total during the week).

    Under-eating on P90X (or any heavy exercise for that matter) will cause your cortisol levels to spike. High and prolonged levels of cortisol in the blood stream causes:

    Impaired cognitive performance
    Suppressed thyroid function
    Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
    Decreased bone density
    Decrease in muscle tissue
    Higher blood pressure
    Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
    Increased abdominal fat

    It will also make you retain water and the scale will not move. But that would be among the least of this list.
  • I am concerned that I may have a medical problem in my digestive system that is making it hard to lose; I am missing my ileocecal valve and part of my small and large intestine. I am investigating into that problem more but curious if my experience is shared with anyone else or maybe its because of my situation. I do measure with cups sometimes but eye ball most (just like with my baking) and I know I make a very close estimate. Clothes feel the same so far, I've only been doing the p90x for 5 days so far. I eat better than anyone I know and am still over weight.
  • I agree that I should not continue to under eat calories if I feel malnourished but I do not, because I eat organic and eat a lot of raw ingredients I get more nutrients than that of a person eating the same calories without it. I feel healthy, just not losing weight. However I have only cut only dairy and refined carbs and starches for 6weeks so it is possible that they have not cleared out of my system yet.
  • RavenNevermore15
    RavenNevermore15 Posts: 36 Member
    Posting here too since I saw this on a different thread. :)

    Hi there! It's entirely possible that you're not eating enough calories to lose weight. I speak from personal experience. When I first joined MFP it told me I needed to eat only 1200 a day to lose and I was starving all the time, shaky, and couldn't lose at all. I've also done P90X and girl you'll definitely need more than 1200 a day with the calorie burn on those workouts! Tough stuff, but it's wonderful!! I eat pretty darn clean too but totally don't be afraid of carbs, they're not all bad and your body does need a percentage of them for fuel! I'd suggest bumping your calories up at least to 1400 - 1500 and go from there. Also, if you're looking for friends, add me :)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    1200 is not the minimum when you're doing P90X, even on rest days.

    This will give you a proper TDEE (should be the average calories total during the week).

    Under-eating on P90X (or any heavy exercise for that matter) will cause your cortisol levels to spike. High and prolonged levels of cortisol in the blood stream causes:

    Impaired cognitive performance
    Suppressed thyroid function
    Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
    Decreased bone density
    Decrease in muscle tissue
    Higher blood pressure
    Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
    Increased abdominal fat

    It will also make you retain water and the scale will not move. But that would be among the least of this list.

    pure crap

    don't believe any of it

    there is a big difference between short-term and long-term effects of cortisol

    if you are otherwise healthy, even fasting for a couple weeks will not be harmful, as the body makes its own glucose out of labile amino acids- note not skeletal muscle, or heart muscle, or brain protein, but enzymes, smooth muscle, etc. Big difference.

    for the average workout person, or keto addict, the effects of cortisol are beneficial

    people with cortisol-producing tumors or other endocrine abnormalities have these problems

    the medicine prednisone is almost identical with cortisol

    short-term, prednisone is a very good drug- an anti-inflammatory medication

    long-term- over three weeks of treatment- you have problems as the previous poster outlined
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I agree that I should not continue to under eat calories if I feel malnourished but I do not, because I eat organic and eat a lot of raw ingredients I get more nutrients than that of a person eating the same calories without it. I feel healthy, just not losing weight. However I have only cut only dairy and refined carbs and starches for 6weeks so it is possible that they have not cleared out of my system yet.

    Micro (nutrients) are not going to keep you from losing lean muscle mass. Eating enough calories (calories are fuel) important. Your body is using calories 24/7 .....heart, lungs, kidneys..... not eating enough calories will have your body using lean muscle for fuel. Adding exercise increases the number of calories your body needs.....if you want to lose just fat (anyway).

    It's hard to get enough protein & fat while eating 1200 (gross) calories.

    Your TDEE (maintenance) and your BMR (heart, lungs, kidneys....bare minimum) will give you a better picture of your actual needs.

    1200 is a DEFAULT ......just the lowest minimum that MFP will go. May not be appropriate at all.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    You haven't been losing weight for a few months eating under 1200 calories per day with heavy exercise. You can keep doing this expecting a different result or try something new.

    What would you lose if you upped your calories? Are you a special snowflake who can gain weight on 1800 calories? Is that number even anywhere close to your maintenance calories?
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    if you are otherwise healthy, even fasting for a couple weeks will not be harmful, as the body makes its own glucose out of labile amino acids- note not skeletal muscle, or heart muscle, or brain protein, but enzymes, smooth muscle, etc. Big difference.
    short-term, prednisone is a very good drug- an anti-inflammatory medication

    long-term- over three weeks of treatment- you have problems as the previous poster outlined

    I think you missed the part where she said she's been at it a few months.
  • Ive been eating 1200-1500 for the past couple months with no exercise. I just started the p90x.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Ive been eating 1200-1500 for the past couple months with no exercise. I just started the p90x.

    Under-eating is enough to cause a cortisol increase and since you haven't been losing in those months (and admitted to underestimating) all signs are pointing to under-eating.

    P90X will worsen it without increased calories.

    Beachbody has those tools for a reason. They know how many calories P90X burns, they've done the research with test groups to find out what the optimal calorie intake is for loss, maintenance, or bulking. You don't have to experiment on yourself or make guesses. Many people have done it since and I can't think of one success story that included the infamous 1200-calorie-diet. I'd put my money on there not being any.

    Sedentary wasn't doing much for you. 1200 calories wasn't doing much for you. Why not just continue P90X and up the calories to use the program the way it was designed?
  • Okay so, im staying away from dairy, gluten and wheat in general.... so increase protein and vegetables? It's hard to get in my calories without those things.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Meat, beans, peas, lentils, quinoa, eggs, millet, amaranth, oats, potatoes, buckwheat, rice ... and don't forget essential fats: avocado, nuts, flax, chia, hemp, coconut/avocado/olive oil.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I am concerned that I may have a medical problem in my digestive system that is making it hard to lose; I am missing my ileocecal valve and part of my small and large intestine. I am investigating into that problem more but curious if my experience is shared with anyone else or maybe its because of my situation. I do measure with cups sometimes but eye ball most (just like with my baking) and I know I make a very close estimate. Clothes feel the same so far, I've only been doing the p90x for 5 days so far. I eat better than anyone I know and am still over weight.

    No Ma'am

    Lose the cups, eye balling, and estimates

    If you want results, buy a $10 food scale and weigh all your food. I even read a thread once where they sell those in the dollar store! Granted I never looked but wouldn't it be something
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    If you can't get a digital scale right now, (I still don't have one myself) at least use the cups you have. Eye balling is a terrible idea. You'd be surprised how off you can be if you put your eye balled portion into a cup. (or two or three ) Consistency is key.