Looking for friends!

Hi all :-)

I'm 5'2" and 130lbs. I'm not super overweight or anything but I'm not comfortable in my skin. I used to be really active and was happy at about 115lbs. Hoping to get back to that. I've been on here a few times and I've never been able to commit to it. I believe that's partly because I didn't get involved in the community aspect of the site. I'm hoping to build a support system on here and make some new friends who share similar goals!

My biggest problems are emotional eating and sedentary lifestyle. When I get anxious or upset, I turn to food as a quick fix. I'm a pretty healthy eater overall but I definitely binge when I'm upset. Working to fix that.

I am a teacher and am usually pretty active at work, however at home I am couch potato. I love TV and video games. I used to be really active in the evenings but after a painful break up a year ago my healthy habits hit the back burner.

I'm working to end the spiral. My goals are to hit the gym every evening after work and to keep my caloric intake at about 1200 calories.