Weight Loss/Healthy life style friends

Hello all. I joined a few months back to sync with Virgin HealthMiles, but I haven't really used MFP until now. It is my hope that seeing a record of food I eat will make me think twice about cheating when I want something sweet. I have one cheat day scheduled per week, with usually involves Mimosas and a not too terribly bad for me brunch.

Friends are always a good thing, especially when looking for encouragement and motivation, so I am completely open to meeting new people. I look forward to reading what you all have to write.


  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Hey there! Welcome and good luck with your goals! Keeping track of what you eat really does help with overeating, but holding yourself accountable to others is a great motivation as well. Wishing you all the best and good luck!
  • Just1Dawn39
    WAY TO GO!