Need Help Staying Motivated

I have been trying to lose weight for quite a whole now... i lose about 20-30 lbs and feel great and then i sloooowwwly fall back into bad eating habits or slack on my excercise routine because i'm feeling so good that i feel i can "skip a day." well, with a goal to lose 100 lbs. , i know i can't afford to skip a day or slack on my healthy eating habits. Any suggestions how to stay focused and motivated so that I dont slip up again? HELP!


  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Best advice coming from someone that was the exact same way when I was 140 lbs over weight, don't give up.
    Personally myself 4 years later from starting my journey I keep the same routines. Monday thru Saturday are my work out days. Sunday is my rest day. I set a goal monthly to work out no less than 700 minutes. For myself Im competitive so I don't like to lose even thought Im competing against no one nor does anyone know my monthly workout goals of minutes. I keep all trigger foods out of my house period. I enjoy "naughty" foods as I call them once in awhile but avoid the trigger foods in my house, I don't carry cash to work for vending machines. I pack my breakfast, lunches & snacks every single day. I preplan and prep my meals. You have to realize your worth the fight. Yes you are going to have a bad day, not work out, eat wrong but don't let it defeat you or throw you off track. Dust yourself off and keep going. Its a journey, there are no finish lines in my book. I have maintained 135 lbs weight loss for 2 1/2 years. I never consider myself done losing weight. I refuse to go back to 280 lbs. Thats what keeps me motivated. Looking at my sons face knowing I can chase him around that keeps me motivated. Knowing how amazing I feel and how my life changed is what keeps me motivated. We all have bad days or heck back weeks.
  • thank you so much!! This is incredibly helpful! I have been doing some research about meal plans and meal prep so I can get on board and make this happen!!! THANKS AGAIN! :) You're incredible!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Yep. Make it a habit and routine and plan a rest day. Eating Well is a great website to check out for free meal plan ideas. There is NO finish line so keep on keeping healthy.