Please help!!! What's going on?



  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Thanks for your help. I guess it just takes a lot of faith to eat MORE in a situation like this. How long will it take to see it go the other direction? I hate starvation mode!

    Yes it does! Please eat more. I hate these starvation diets. They are just plain scary and so bad for you! You're losing mostly muscle when you starve like that! You don't want to end up "skinny fat".
    JAVAGIRLSS Posts: 18 Member
    How much should I expect to gain initially before my body is used to the "new food supply"? (are we looking at 5 lbs? 10? 20??)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I don't know how much you should expect to gain when shifting to adequate nutrition. Nursing is a really big deal for your body (and a nutritional priority), and that makes it hard to guess. You might not gain a single oz, with all the extra energy going to your baby instead. Yay for the baby!

    FWIW, I nursed for 6 months and dropped almost all my baby weight, maybe to within a couple pounds, in 8 wks with not much effort. I kept a little layer of fat the whole time I nursed, and all my friends told me to chill and not worry about it. They were so right. When I stopped nursing, I lost 10 lb without changing anything else and was thinner than before I got pregnant. Had to have been related to exhaustion. Anyway, get as much sleep as you can. The next best thing to sleep is rest. And drink gallons of water, especially when you up your food intake.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    geeeesh, that's low! are you sure you're logging every single thing properly? I'm 5'8 at 61ish kgs and i am losing at 1600 a day :P
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    How much should I expect to gain initially before my body is used to the "new food supply"? (are we looking at 5 lbs? 10? 20??)

    It depends on your body's water-storage capacity and also how depleted you were when you started. Generally the bigger you are and the more muscle mass you have, the more it will be.

    The only number you should be worried about right now is your BMR, and making sure you NET at least that many calories a day. Seeing a lower number on the scale isn't worth anything if you can't have your health too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    How much should I expect to gain initially before my body is used to the "new food supply"? (are we looking at 5 lbs? 10? 20??)

    Probably around 5, but it might be more as your body re-calibrates. Just hold on and trust the process. Post in the "Gaining Weight" forum if you need some help wrapping your brain around getting healthy again.

    I'd also recommend professional help, too. But eating more will help.