Confused help!

I am 5ft and just weighed my self when I woke up and the scale read 130. I know that is high for my height but I wear a size 6 pant so I never thought of my self as big. Recently I have been doing squats and HIIT workouts that are hard on the lower body, is it possible that all this leg work can cause my legs and glutes to get bigger making clothing feel tight?

I am always either under my calorie goal or very close to it. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I am frustrated that I do not see the scale moving yet my stomach is flatter and my arms are more toned as well as my legs.

Can anyone shed some light on this, and is this a comon problem others have faced? And if so what advice can you give me?


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    It is unlikely that if you were eating under your calorie goal that you managed to add enough size to any one body part to make it significantly bigger. It is hard to do that even when purposely eating over your calorie goal with muscle building as your primary goal. That would also require some heavy weight lifting. Doing the leg workouts while staying under your calorie goal could make your legs feel "harder" as you shed fat but not make them physically bigger.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Congrats on seeing positive improvements in yourself. The fact that you are getting more toned is a great sign of progress. Here's my question. If you are seeing positive changes in your body and are happy with your size, what does the scale matter? If I may suggest, ignore the scale and focus on body fat %. You can have your weight remain the same or actually increase and still have your body fat % decrease. This means that you are becoming more fit. You can have the same body fat % at different weights. The difference is the amount of muscle.
