Diets You Have Tried

dsb188 Posts: 121 Member

I am currently doing Keto/Low Carb. I am 6ft male.I went from 350 to 311. In about 170 days. I am at the point where I want to try something new. I literally feel like I can't doing the low carb thing. For the past few weeks I have been on and off of it. I geuss I would like some variety and I'm becoming annoyed I can't eat carbs. I still have alot of weight to lose but i was wondering any other diets other people have tried that have worked.


  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I've tried calorie counting and it didn't seem like I lost a lot of weight. I think i lost some but not as much as I did with low carb. At this point though i would be willing to try it again.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Are you sure it wasn't a case of you just losing patience? You have to remember that we didn't gain the weight overnight or in a month or two. We shouldn't look to lose it fast. The more restrictions I placed on food, the less likely I am to stick it. The best plan is calorie counting in my opinion. It is backed by scientific facts and cost $0.00. I think you should give it another try.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I've tried calorie counting and it didn't seem like I lost a lot of weight. I think i lost some but not as much as I did with low carb. At this point though i would be willing to try it again.

    Try calorie counting again. The downside of "dieting" is that you get burnt out. The weight loss you're hoping to achieve is going to have to be maintained. The best way to do that? Eat less (and correctly) and move more. Easier said that done, I know, but it's much better in the long run.
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    I tried the pizza and beer diet. I gained 150+ pounds though so probably not what you are looking for.

    Was fun though.

    Oh, and fried chicken.

    Damn now I want fried chicken.

    Seriously though if keto isn't for you then I would echo what is said above. You could try some IF protocol or "The Warrior Diet" if you like, or even the ol' school steak and eggs. Go man.

    Good luck :)
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm going to go back to calorie counting. I think i am burned out to be honest and its not helping if I'm on again and off again. Thank you!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Damn it. Now I want fried chicken, too.

    Back on topic. I have tried Atkins, Weight Watchers, the 17 Day Diet, the cabbage soup thing, multi-grain cheerios diet (what I was put on in the Navy when I was too heavy). I lost weight with all of them. I was never able to stay on those diets long enough to get to maintenance. I count calories now, weigh my food, and try to make food choices that best fit my macros. Sure, sometimes I have cake and ice cream, or those stupid delicious chocolate pralines from River Street Bakery. And I sometimes have fried chicken as well. :smile: Sometimes I go over on calories, and sometimes I'm under. What I have finally figured out is that food is not my enemy (except milk - I can't digest it). I can eat and enjoy my food, but being conscious of what I eat and learning what proper portion sizes are is what will get me to the finish line and beyond this time.

    Also, I started lifting heavy and OMG the changes it makes to your body is awesome.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Every diet I have every tried worked. Until I stopped, then I gained it all back and then some.

    I have this sneaky suspicion that the reason they all previously worked was because of the restrictive nature of them. What I think was happening was that I began taking in less calories I was burning and thus; lost weight.

    So then, when I went back to my regularly scheduled eating program I always gained it all back. I think it might possibly be due to the reason that I was eating more calories than I was burning.

    So, I decided to eat whatever I wanted and make sure that I ate less than I was burning. Lo and behold. It worked. It called the eat what you want, but just less of it diet. You should try it!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    There's the apple diet
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Damn it. Now I want fried chicken, too.

    Back on topic. I have tried Atkins, Weight Watchers, the 17 Day Diet, the cabbage soup thing, multi-grain cheerios diet (what I was put on in the Navy when I was too heavy). I lost weight with all of them. I was never able to stay on those diets long enough to get to maintenance. I count calories now, weigh my food, and try to make food choices that best fit my macros. Sure, sometimes I have cake and ice cream, or those stupid delicious chocolate pralines from River Street Bakery. And I sometimes have fried chicken as well. :smile: Sometimes I go over on calories, and sometimes I'm under. What I have finally figured out is that food is not my enemy (except milk - I can't digest it). I can eat and enjoy my food, but being conscious of what I eat and learning what proper portion sizes are is what will get me to the finish line and beyond this time.

    Same here. Tried almost everything out there. Was successful for a while with Atkins - totally low carb, lost weight for 4 yrs on that diet but developed reynauds and some other symptoms. I was gettng sick from the low carb diet plus high stress job. So got back to eating carbs. I gained all the weight back plus more The only one that has worked for me so far is MFP - calorie counting and keeping active. Good luck!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Go eat some carbs .. you will be just fine. I eat 150-250g every day .. and have lost a ton of body fat doing so.

    The only diet I have tried is the calorie deficit one .. calories in < calories out. Works great as I am in maintenance now.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    There's the apple diet
    The apple diet is the best. The best part is all the apples. Apples! Apples! Apples!
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    There's the apple diet
    The apple diet is the best. The best part is all the apples. Apples! Apples! Apples!

    I've read in another post that you have to alternate between apples and water. One apple, one glass of water. One apple, one glass of water. Supposed to be very good for losing stomach fat.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    There's the apple diet
    The apple diet is the best. The best part is all the apples. Apples! Apples! Apples!

    I've read in another post that you have to alternate between apples and water. One apple, one glass of water. One apple, one glass of water. Supposed to be very good for losing stomach fat.

    You are thinking of the Apple/Water cleanse. That is different than the Apple Diet.
    The best part is the apples!!! Did I mention APPLES!
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I think I was losing weight. I can't even deny that but for me I get sick of all of the high fat foods. It was okay at first but I became very sick from doing it.
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    This sounds like great advice!
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    yeah, it's called a calorie deficit, calculate your tdee and eat less than it, it's not hard, you don't need any pre packaged 'diets', losing weight is literally the simplest concept ever
  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    The only diet II've ever been on was the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Plan) It's not a weight loss diet but a diet to get diabetics and heart patients off meds. I went on it because my parents paid for it.(Its one of those programs you pay for and then go to 12 sessions once a week to learn all this stuff and then you can go to all the other meetings for free for the rest of your life. Dave Ramsey's money plan is like that too. Must be a church thing)

    I don't have diabetes or heart problems so I am not sure why they wanted me on it or why I agreed to it.

    Lots of people with diabetes and heart problems got great results. Its a whole lifestyle plan -- not just a diet. Unfortunately, a big part of the lifestyle plan included grinding your own flax flour and making all your food from scratch. It wasn't my thing at all. But I admire anyone who can stick with it.
  • d3m1urge
    d3m1urge Posts: 38
    Low carb/keto....NEVER AGAIN.

    Ruined my metabolism, made me feel miserable, couldn't sustain it, ridiculous community
  • d3m1urge
    d3m1urge Posts: 38
    Just to add I now eat 300g minimum carbs a day, feel FANTASTIC and I'm losing weight at the same rate.