shakeology, wanting real opinions

Hi, just received a 7 day trial of shakeology. I surprisingly don't mind the taste at all. I was wondering if other people use it, and what sort of effects it has on you. I was also wondering what other shakes/drinks exist that are comparable (and cheaper!) than shakeology.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I used it for a month. I DID have less cravings during that time, but it was also the start of my new 'diet' and I had an insane willpower at the time, so I'm not sure if it affected it or not. I however didn't notice any difference one way or another when I got sick of it and stopped drinking it. Now I just buy protein powder and have a shake once in a blue moon (I mostly use the powders in baking).
  • Hi, just received a 7 day trial of shakeology. I surprisingly don't mind the taste at all. I was wondering if other people use it, and what sort of effects it has on you. I was also wondering what other shakes/drinks exist that are comparable (and cheaper!) than shakeology.

    I have been using it for about a year now and I like it. It's good with keeping me full and helping when I crave sugar.
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    It sounds super boring. You're most likely going to miss out on a lot of other nutrition you should have, and you'd have a lot more variety if you just do a calorie deficit and track it.. Plus, you want to do something you can do your entire life, drinking those the rest of your life.... Not sustainable. :) good luck!
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    I thought about getting it for a whole year before I actually got it. I thought it was to expensive. Since I have been using it daily, I have no more cravings at all for sugar, or junk food. And I was a hard core, junk food junkie/sugar addict. Also, I am not tired in the afternoons. I still think it is expensive, but for me, so worth it. Plus, I would never get all of those vitamins every day, that are in it.