Starting my journey HELP

Hello, I've heard wonderful things about this site/app. So, in search of support and a solution, I have decided to give it a try. I actually, signed up a couple months ago. And guess what??!! I'm still overweight and gaining. :/ I cannot seem to get in the right mindset and stay there. Time and Time again, I have jumped on the newest fad diet, calorie counting, medications, joined weight watchers, etc. After years of trying to lose the weight I seem to keep on gaining every time. I lose 20 and gain 30! I am the biggest I have been in my entire life at 250lbs 5'3". I am a 33 year old mother of two and I can't blame it on the baby anymore (my children are 10 and 7 lol) I guess I am in search of how to start and stay focused. I seem to always have an excuse as to why I cant diet and exercise. I'm too busy, work too much, I have children, I like food too much and so on. I am happy and healthy when it comes to mind and medical condition. So I don't seem to have any underlying issues other than eating a lot and my activity being stationary. I just have bad eating habits and lack of drive for exercise. I wasn't brought up in a home where diet and exercise was important. Therefore, my poor diet and exercise habits started at a young age. It wasn't until after I had children that I approached an unhealthy weight that eventually brought me to where I am today at a very unhealthy obese. So, I ask, Where do I start??


  • MomforNoah
    MomforNoah Posts: 76
    You started :) You will find lots of support here! Great people with good advice and motivation. You took the first step.. Add me if you like for support
  • tracy_getsfit
    tracy_getsfit Posts: 106 Member
    Start slow...start with eating what the portions say and walking. It is an easy way to start. As you see little results it will push you to do more. And most of all never get discouraged or think that you are not doing it right or doing enough. It takes baby steps.
  • a302b188
    a302b188 Posts: 13
    Congratulations on starting!! That is the first step. Take it day by day, and realize that you're doing it for you. Because you deserve a better life! Also don't forget how beautiful you are inside and out!

    Check out my story for inspiration if you get stuck! :

  • vap82
    vap82 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm just starting again too! I'm 32, 2 kids ones 4 the other 2 and a half and i am 172lbs, 5ft 4. I'm constantly getting motivated and then a few weeks or months go by and I'm back to my old ways. I feel your frustration. All I can say is I've been reading and researching about life style changes and long term healthy eating and it all says dont change too much at once. Start slow and make lasting changes.
    I joined MFP so i could be accountable for what i put in my mouth, get the true value of calories because estimating aint doing me any favours and get support from others when my motivation gets up and walks out the house.

    Good Luck. I hope we both get what we need from being here.
  • sassimac
    sassimac Posts: 7 Member
    Hi tony I'm donna, and I started the same way as u. I signed up a couple of months ago but only started doing somthing about it about 3 wks ago. However this is a great place to start. I've had a lot of encouragement from people on this site. It helps to put it out there. The best motivation to get started is ur children. U r in ur 30s, u should b able to keep up with them without getting winded. U also want ur children to be proud of you too. I wish u all the best, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! Welcome. And I feel your pain...45 y/o mother of 2 here (ages 5 & 8)....4'11" and started at 231 lbs. Only difference is I have rheumatoid arthritis and over the past six months I've gained a TON of weight due to meds and an inability to exercise due to pain. About a month ago I finally decided that something had to give. I made a commitment to limit my intake of processed foods and try to start moving, no more excuses. I gradually started adding swim laps so as not to aggravate my achy joints. First time out I swam 6 laps and then had to take 3 days off to recuperate from an RA flare up, but I got right back at it and now, 3 short weeks later, I'm up to 34 laps 3 x's a week, treadmill and/or recumbant bike and some light weights on the non-swim days with some "fun swimming" with the kids mixed in. I started sticking to my 1200 calories and logging my food....even on the days I over eat. So far, I'm down 8 lbs in 3 weeks. Nothing drastic, but I'm excited to finally have something that seems to be working and doesn't feel like a huge sacrifice. Of course, my dear hubby working right along side me with a big weight loss goal of his own helps. My kids get so excited when they see me up and moving instead of crying from pain and frustration. :happy:
  • jenny11011
    jenny11011 Posts: 6
    You CAN do it! I am 43, 223 lbs, and have 2 kids 11 and 8. I was having a hard time with motivation, focus and just feeling like CRAP!!! Take charge now!! This is serious and your kids really do need you. I started going to Scale Solutions, because I felt like I needed medical intervention. I have only been doing this for 4 days, but I am already seeing results with counting calories. I like that the Nurse Practitioner was able to recommend a healthy calorie range for me to stay within everyday. It has forced me to eat smart. I have to make extra time for planning for the grocery store, and meals, but already it is worth it! I pray I can stick with it!! You are not alone! I think everyone can relate to your frustrations. You've got a friend in me!
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    HI! you made a step getting on here... make a couple of sustainable changes whilst you get your mojo going maybe...have a look at some threads on here, do a bit of research. Plan some meals and work out what exercise you can slot into your day. It may be parking away from the supermarket (for example) or taking the stairs at work (you get the drift) You have to get your mind right. I find looking at success stories and programmes where heavy people get fit too help me get in the groove...I am a serial failer but when I am getting it right, these are things that I do. :flowerforyou:
  • JoeyBsGirl
    JoeyBsGirl Posts: 5
    Little steps will result in big lasting changes! Begin with a plan. Each week on Sunday (prior to grocery shopping) I make a meal plan -3 meals & 3 snacks daily. I shop, prepare everything I can that evening, such as chopping veggies, mixing salads, etc... You can find containers with measurements clearly written on them if you need portion control. Include on the weekly meal plan what exercises you will be doing & the times you will be completing each activity. Hang a copy on the fridge & keep one in your purse. Feel like "cheating" or skipping an exercise, look at your print out ...whats coming next & think ok I got this.

    Use your kids to your advantage!!!! I cant think of a child that does not love to go for a bike ride, a walk, ride a skateboard, get moving :) Walk around the block or find a park with hiking trails. My kids love to find new parks & trails to explore. We have so much fun nobody realizes they are working out!!

    It does take time & it does take planning. Its really not about a diet, it's about changing a mindset. You are no longer looking forward to that chocolate cake now you cant wait to go for that evening bike ride. Be excited about each & every accomplishment. If you lose a pound -be excited -now move on to pound #2!! If you walk 30 minutes a day this week, push for 40 minutes next week.

    You can do this. Lean on this site, your friends, & your family. I have ten people that I send a daily workout "selfie" to. I know that at least 3-5 of them will be texting me if they do not receive their picture. Accountability is great and often you find that you are motivating other people while being held accountable.

    If you'd like to add me, feel free. I am a mom of 3, I work approx. 85 hr weekly so I know first hand that each day is a challenge to fit in time to workout & prep healthy meal. I just ask myself each day, HOW BAD DO I WANT IT!!!
  • TMNolan19
    TMNolan19 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of your encouragement and inspirational stories. It really helps to have communication with others with similar weight and diet issues. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to start navigating around this site more to get familiar with it. I will attempt to log my food/calories. In the past, calorie counting has been the only thing that has drastically worked for me and I was comfortable with. It's just getting that initial first few days and changing my lifestyle. But....IT IS TIME! I Want this so bad! Wish me luck :)
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of your encouragement and inspirational stories. It really helps to have communication with others with similar weight and diet issues. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to start navigating around this site more to get familiar with it. I will attempt to log my food/calories. In the past, calorie counting has been the only thing that has drastically worked for me and I was comfortable with. It's just getting that initial first few days and changing my lifestyle. But....IT IS TIME! I Want this so bad! Wish me luck :)

  • tusken10
    tusken10 Posts: 4
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I've just recently started myself and I'm making some progress!