Tips on When Exercise is too easy

I am working on training my butt, legs (mainly inner thighs) and hips. Doing the butt exercises are (donkey kicks, bridges, side squats, etc) I have to do a LOT of them to feel anything. What would be some tips you would have to intensify things a bit? Should I just do a LOT of reps, or is there a way to make them harder? I really just want a firmer butt and tighter thighs, so any exercise tips would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Do you have access to weights?
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Lift heavy weights.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Add resistance. Weights are the best way to do it, but if you don't have access (or until you get access), resistance bands will offer a slight change. Heavy weights though... That's where it's at.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Weights! I'm also a huge fan of hill sprints or stair climbing to build a better booty :)
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Try doing various exercises by way of Tabata intervals...

    If nothing else, do burpees if you want to work hard, and what fivethreeone said.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    I do not have resistance bands (we do want to get some just don't have them right now) but we do have dumbells (they are adjustable weight ones so they can get pretty heavy). How do I use those when I am doing donkey kicks and the laying leg lift things (where you lay on your side and lift your legs). I can totally add heavy weights I just don't know how on a lot of these exercises (except squats and lunges, that is easy. lol)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I do Step Ups, Side Steps and Squats all with weights I don't have to do a lot but I usually try for 3 sets of 15 reps, I increase the weights and reps when they get easy. Then usually I fall off doing them for a minute and have to start over :wink:
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    YAY for dumbbells! I recommend deep goblet squats (as long as your knees are OK with it). To really target the glutes as opposed to the legs you'll need to go fairly deep with your squats (about 100 degrees of flexion). BE CAREFUL to keep your weight in your heels, your core engaged, and your knees behind your toes!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I do not have resistance bands (we do want to get some just don't have them right now) but we do have dumbells (they are adjustable weight ones so they can get pretty heavy). How do I use those when I am doing donkey kicks and the laying leg lift things (where you lay on your side and lift your legs). I can totally add heavy weights I just don't know how on a lot of these exercises (except squats and lunges, that is easy. lol)

    That's exactly what I work with--adjustable dumbbells, and that's it. You don't have to do donkey kicks and leg lift things if you're doing squats and deadlifts with heavy weights. Just google "squats with dumbbells" or "deadlift with dumbbells" and you will get tons of variations of every barbell exercise that you can do with dumbbells.

    Hips thrusts are good for your butt and hamstrings, as I have found out. I'm still sore from my Friday workout. And yes, you can add heavy weight to your midsection to make the workout worth your while.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I do not have resistance bands (we do want to get some just don't have them right now) but we do have dumbells (they are adjustable weight ones so they can get pretty heavy). How do I use those when I am doing donkey kicks and the laying leg lift things (where you lay on your side and lift your legs). I can totally add heavy weights I just don't know how on a lot of these exercises (except squats and lunges, that is easy. lol)

    Step Ups, Farmers Walks, and yes I know you mentioned Squat and Lunges but try different variations - Overhead Lunges, Bulgarian Squats, Goblet Squats, Overhead Squats, etc.

    ...and don't neglect your Upper Body.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Heavy weights!

    I think a lot of women underestimate what they can lift, and/or think "heavy" means 20lbs. Work up (slowly of course) to squatting and deadlifting your body weight.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    I did a lot of the exercises mentioned, didn't really feel it a ton in my inner thighs. Are these good for inner thighs or should I do something else for those? And yeah I do a lot of other strength exercises. I do a ton of upper body and core. :) Just at a bit of a lost when it comes to lower. :) Especially inner thighs and bum. :) Sorry guys, I appreciate the help. Just that last question. What are some great ones specifically for inner thighs? Thanks again!
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I "upgraded" my donkey kicks. opposite arm goes out in front, and then you pull your arm in when your knee comes in, and you do a crunch. it's abs, it's glutes and hammies, and it's arms (balancing with that one arm on the ground). and best of all, it's all you. ;)
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    No such thing as toning. If you dont want to use weights try

    Blugarian Split Squats


    Walking Lunges

    Pistol Squats

    You can do with, or without weights (extra resistance). In fact you dont need weights at all, you can use anything around your house from soup cans to a gallon of water. Be creative.
  • McGuireTO
    McGuireTO Posts: 18 Member
    As ASKyle said, barbell squats will target your legs. Also do leg extensions and leg curls, but HOLD AND SQUEEZE THE MUSCLE TIGHTLY at the top of the lift. Pointing your toes in or out will target the inner and outer thigh.

    Want to really hurt your glutes? Grab a barbell and do a set of 40 lunges with proper form. Then wait 60 seconds and do three more sets. Make sure there's nothing in your back pockets the next three days when you sit down.

    If it doesn't hurt the next day, increase the weights by 20lbs or more. Legs and glutes are big muscle groups, so make big increases in weight, don't do 5lb increments
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Hill Sprints!! You will feel those in your glutes and hamstrings FOR SURE!! :)
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    What kind of results are you looking for on your inner thighs? Stronger? The unattainable thigh gap? More muscle?

    If you're looking to slim them down, keep in mind doing exercises will increase the muscle mass. If you do not diet and get your body fat % down, they will simply be larger.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    those pistol squats are hard as hell and would be great for your butt.

    there is at least one guy on here that is beefy muscular and claims to have never lifted weights, did it all with body weight.

    If your doing a movement that you can do 20+ reps on, just keep googling body weight exercises for that body part until you find something you can't do many of.

    I thought i got a good education with BW exercise with Insanity. once i got on here i discovered there is a virtually limitless library of BW exercises.

    if your married to those side leg raises you could consider putting weights in a bag or something and putting your feet through the handle. can probably set up somthign like that with bands too. not ideal but better then 100+ reps