Question: Kettle Bell Workout Choices

Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
I would like to start working with kettle bells at home, but I'm unsure which program I should choose. I read that Jillian Michael's DVD has really bad form and that its likely to cause injury (source: many Amazon reviewers that gave 3 or less stars). I tend to have some problems with my lower back so I can't chance a video that demonstrates bad form. I would like to build my strength and burn fat. If you have experimented with different kettle bell workouts, please let me know what has worked for you. Preferably, let me know how long you stuck with the workout, how long you worked out each day, how heavy your weights were, and then your results.

This would be a great help for me!


  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    would love to know, also
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Skogg System. Started with just one 18kg bell, which is what I'm using it right now. Skogg System is one of the very best in terms of instruction and form. Using a bell that's too light can actually cause injury with swing movements, because the hamstrings are unable to engage unless sufficiently loaded (which is why they generally recommend that women start off with 8kg at the lowest).
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    I bought Pro-Form Sculpt kettle bell workout kit from came with an 8lb kettle bell, 2 DVDs, a bottle for shakes and a sample protein shake mix. I LOVE IT! The instructor is great with form and instructions...the 1st dvd is for week 1 and 2 and they are very challenging! The session takes about 25mins and I burn over 200 calories in that time and I feel it the next day!

    Hope this helps :-)
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    I just do whatever I feel like. I used the videos, articles and the like from Mike Mahler, Steve Cotter and Pavel Tsatsouline (etc) to learn roughly what I was doing and have just worked it out from there.

    I started with a 20kg bell and now also use a 28kg.

    I can't really speak of long-term results personally, though the short term results are 1) I feel like I've been hit by a bus and 2) if I let more form slip I am liable to suffer.

    Best of luck :)
  • binniesmart
    binniesmart Posts: 74
    I got to a kettle bells class run by IKFF certified instructors, think Steve Cotter is part of that crew. I love it, such an excellent work out and tangible improvements in core strength, posture and visible triceps! I use between 8-12kgs bells. Can only manage one class a week at the mo cos I have a knee injury, but 2 x classes a week will get me in great condition for the summer :)
  • CleverClone
    CleverClone Posts: 45 Member
    I suggest you look into the DVDs made by Lauren Brooks. She also has a book out (called Kettlebells for Women) which I've found really useful when I've come across a new exercise, so definitely recommended getting that even if you don't get her other stuff. If you want to start with a cheaper DVD you could try Kettlebell Bombshell by Lisa Balash (the breaks on her workouts are on the long side for my taste, but you can always fast forward if need be).

    Stay far away from Jillian Michaels or Kettleworx.
    videos, articles and the like from Mike Mahler, Steve Cotter and Pavel Tsatsouline

    And this. Can't go wrong with these guys.
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    I truly appreciate all the suggestions. Thanks for the warnings against JM and Kettleworx as well. I was looking into the Lauren Brooks stuff, though it is a tad pricey. I will look for the others you all suggested. I did a 20 minute workout today on YouTube by someone with the last name Raw... and that was intense with just the 20 minutes. I'm expecting great things with whole workouts, I'm really excited to start!
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    I can not stress this enough - there is absolutely no substitute for getting proper in person instruction - find a certified instructor take a couple of sessions to learn the form - then you an go away and make you own workouts up - and you won`t be wasting time with an 8 kg bell