Trying to change my lifestyle


I've done yo-yo dieting before, and had a great deal of temporary success. I have a ton of short-term willpower to survive on 1000-1200 calories while working out like a madman, but eventually default back to overeating bad food, and being unhappy with my body. It sounds corny but when I hear the phrase "change your relationship with food", it means something to me. I need to switch up the way I think about portions, nutrition, everything.

Anyway, I'm using MFP as a way to take a reasonable approach to weight loss--hopefully just one or two pounds a week. I have noticed that I'm trying to go "extreme" already, though, feeling like I should go 200-400 cals under the daily target for 1 pound a week weight loss. I just can't shake this skepticism that the calorie count is too high for me.

I could use a friend. I'd love to hear some stories about long-term success following a moderate weight loss plan--that MFP's suggested calorie counts produced results.




  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Hey there!

    Feel free to send a friend request if you want! Also I know that feeling of trying to go extreme and make sure 'allowed calories' stays in the green. And while you might lose more weight, and might feel fine, it's way more likely you'll go back binge eating. I've kinda been through that when I just started and didn't really have a right diet for me.

    Something you can try in order to not go 'extreme' is to set you calorie goal higher than what you need. That way you can still stay in the green but still eat enough to not cause any problems. Hope it helps, and good luck!
  • healthyscratch1978
    thanks, yeah. I think I've been through enough boom/bust cycles that I'm willing to try the moderate approach to see what it can do for me. The biggest thing will be staying motivated. Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks--as unhealthy and bad as it is for you--is a fantastic way to stay focused; but like you said, it ultimately ends up in failing.