Couch to Marathon: the 1 Year Transformation Challenge!

Hello everybody,

I've decided to make some serious lifestyle changes that involve losing a large amount of weight, increasing my fitness level drastically and also just taking the steps towards becoming the healthy, active, energetic person I've always wanted to be. I've given myself a timeframe of one year, and I aim to lose 50 lbs (from 160 to 110 lbs), to drag myself off the couch and to eventually get into marathon shape by May/June 2015.

I've chosen running because it's a sport I used to be good at when I was in school and it's something I could see myself enjoying again, as my fitness level increases. But I'm looking for people with a variety of goals to join me: it doesn't have to be a marathon. It could be learning a new sport, trekking up a mountain or any other sporting feat of your choice. The idea is to unite people who want to undergo a complete, long-term lifestyle transformation and become more active, strong and healthy within roughly one year so that we can all motivate each other. So who's up for this? :)