Losing Motivation

Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
I'm just wondering how everyone prevents them self from losing motivation. I started walking daily and watching what I eat back in march. Over the last 3 weeks I walk any where between 5-8km a day. I also use a t-zone vibration platform daily. I have lost 23lbs so far. Over the last 4 weeks my weight has stayed the same. I didn't think to take measurements when I first started but I do know for the last two weeks they have stayed the same as well. Due to lack of results i'm ready to give up. I've been trying to change things up starting a beginner Jillian Micheals dvd a few days ago. What do you guys do to keep your self motivated. What do you guys do to kick start the weight loss again? I don't remember plateauing this fast the first time I attempted weight loss the first time I tried losing it.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The thought of giving up is not an option for me. You need to always remember the reason you started. Friends are great means of motivation. Check out the Groups section on this site and join some for motivation. Last but not least, give this a try:

  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Get a very good analysis of your diet. Buy a food scale and weigh everything religiously. EVERYTHING. Log it all too. ALL OF IT. Remember, the only one you cheat is yourself.

    If you're simply tired... go maintenance for a while. Set MFP calories to your TDEE and just try not to go above it until you're ready to go for loss again.

    Also, with exercise, eat back only half your calories. Reason being is to offset accidental overestimation of calories burned.
  • littl3xlion
    littl3xlion Posts: 28 Member
    What has been keeping me motivated so far is wanting to succeed. I don't like failing.

    As an extra boost, I follow a lot of fitness motivation accounts on instagram; especially the accounts that have videos. Makes me want to workout when I see other people working out.

    And sometimes, I just do it. I just put myself into "auto pilot" and almost force myself to go to the gym.

    Not sure if any of these methods would work for you, but it's what keeps me motivated.

    Don't give up!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    If you're truly motivated, you won't give up. People get excited when they see results and the expectation is that it will ALWAYS continue on that path. Weight loss just doesn't always work that way, meaning it's not linear. One could lose weight one week and do EXACTLY the same thing the next week and nada.
    True motivation would keep you on the path regardless of setbacks and obstacles. So ask yourself, do you REALLY want this? Or are you just trying it to see if it works?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Knight1947
    Knight1947 Posts: 3 Member
    You should WRITE DOWN detailed measurements. Don't forget that as yo burn off fat, you also build muscle, which is denser--weighs more than fat. So you are getting healthier, and as yo continue, you will lose weight again.

    A suggestion--change some of your physical activities. Perhaps add something fast paced, or add weight training.

  • madzzukun
    madzzukun Posts: 5
    As someone said before, quitting is not an option. I say take photos of yourself. If you've got pictures o your bigger self in certain clothes, get them clothes and recreate the image, see how different you look now. Scales and tape measures never worked for me but photos can help SHOW that there is a change.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I'm just wondering how everyone prevents them self from losing motivation. I started walking daily and watching what I eat back in march. Over the last 3 weeks I walk any where between 5-8km a day. I also use a t-zone vibration platform daily. I have lost 23lbs so far. Over the last 4 weeks my weight has stayed the same. I didn't think to take measurements when I first started but I do know for the last two weeks they have stayed the same as well. Due to lack of results i'm ready to give up. I've been trying to change things up starting a beginner Jillian Micheals dvd a few days ago. What do you guys do to keep your self motivated. What do you guys do to kick start the weight loss again? I don't remember plateauing this fast the first time I attempted weight loss the first time I tried losing it.

    You lost weight very fast, which suggests to me a whole lot of water fell off you. Water binds itself 4 parts to one with glycogen so if you use up this very convenient store of sugar it looks like you've lost five times the amount of ... something.

    But your body needs that glycogen store. So it has to retrieve itself.

    So it's retrieving its water/glycogen stockpile at the same rate as you are losing fat. The scales can't distinguish between the two.

    Just hang on in there. As the others say, check weights and measures, log faithfully, and trust the laws of physics. When it stops stockpiling water your body will start showing the fat loss again.

  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Don't get down! 23lbs is a sizable amount of weight to lose.

    Instead of focusing on the scale, have you thought about how you feel mentally and physically? Are you proud that you're walking 5-8k a day? You should be.

    Pay close attention to your diet. Eat real whole foods, if it's packaged or can sit on the shelf for years, don't eat it.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Why do you want to lose weight?

    What are the pros and cons to dieting?

    Is it worth it to you?

    Are you weighing and measuring? Logging honestly?
  • domansell
    domansell Posts: 5 Member
    Have a change... if you've been doing the same sorts of exercise, you might need something new. throw in some laps, go salsa dancing... it doesn't have to be dramatic. If recently added zumba to my weekly rescheme and it's given me new motivation and losing weight is feeling easy again.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    You're half way to your goal. Seems pointless to only do something half way. It gets harder the closer you get to your goal so you need to want it more than anything else. I'm 2 years into this and some days I still just want to give up. I could easily convince myself that I've lost enough but in the end I would feel like a quitter having been so close.

    The act of losing weight is not hard but finding the WILL to continue doing this every day, to control the urge to keep eating after I hit 2000+ calories on a day when I should have only eaten 1800 is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I know that if I stop before i am where i need to be, I'm never going to do it again.

    How bad do you want it??