Another workout and Whey Protein question.

I am working out twice a day at this point of my journey. I am jogging 40 min 5 days a week at 5 am and and also hitting the weight room 5 days a week at noon. I am trying to lose fat and build muscle(I lost 40 so far, still need to lose a lot of fat) and have been doing so successfully for the past 3 months. I am realizing I need to add a recovery drink, decided to go the Whey route. From what I am seeing I should drink it immediately after workout. I don't want to do 2 shakes a day because of the calorie intake, so here is the question...

Should I drink my Whey shake after a jog, or after lifting? What is more beneficial?


  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    depending on the whey you buy and if you only use it with water it should be 150 cals tops per shake if you're really watching your calorie count, I'd do it after lifting though don't forget to replenish with some carbs as well due to the glycogen you'd be losing with that amount of cardio and weights. Honestly though...As long as you hit your protein goal for the day the when shouldn't matter
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    There is absolutely no need for a recovery shake. The science behind it is a total sham. If you hit your protein intake goals for the day that's all that really matters. I haven't had a post workout shake in years. Just have a meal with some kind of protein in it at some point after you lift. Doesn't need to be within a certain time period.