Hey Everyone I Need Your Help!

I AM SO TIRED OF STARTING NEW DIETS AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I want this to be the last time I start watching what I eat. I come from a family of athletes and people who can't gain wait and can eat all the carbs they want (So Jealous!) I have my dads genes and it is hard to lose weight. I want to get down to my starting weight. Here is my story...

I was so madly inlove with this guy (typical) I was living with him and thought everything was great but I didn't see he was controlling me. I couldn't see my family or friends so I pretty much have no friends now...but I was not allowed to do anything except play facebook games and cook so I ate myself to being overweight. I went from 136 to 182. I left him and started going to the gym and in 2 months got down to 165lbs but then I plateaued. Here I am 3 years later still at 165 and I am sick of being uncomfortable in my own skin. I don't really have a support group and my sister tends to buy unhealthy foods because it is quick for my nephew who is 3 years old. I started buying my own food and am struggling with this doing it on my own. BUT I will get to 136 if not 126.

I could really use a support group :happy:


  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Hey there and welcome! I can understand how hard it must be to try to lose weight without anyone there to support you. After I got together with my now-husband I kinda lost contact with all my friends as well. Although that had nothing to do with him and more with me, I realised that not having anyone around to talk to about this kinda stuff is depressing. So yeah, I did put on a lot of weight and only realised it just over a year ago. Problem is my husband sounds like your family, he eats over 4k calories a day a lot, but never puts on any weight. I'm not saying he's lucky or anything since he does work out a lot.

    It's been just under a year I've been following my diet and I started same way as you, by buying my own food. I know it can be hard, and plateaus do happen (mine lasted the whole winter pretty much, but I did slack a little with my food). Either way, I know you can do it, and feel free to add me as well!
  • gurpreet6
    gurpreet6 Posts: 3
    I know starting a new diet is tough, but dont think of it as a diet, honestly think of it as a lifestyle change. I started incorporating little things until those became the norm for me. Start with the basics, and slowly make that the changes that benefit you. Start drinking more water instead of juice/soda. Replace bread with wraps or lettuce wraps. Eat more protein. Soon you'll notice that the weight has started coming off and you will start to feel better. Plus, when your family sees you trying, they'll want you to succeed as well! You can do it, have faith in yourself, You don't lose if you fail, you lose if you don't try! Good Luck :smile:
  • Makalani01
    Makalani01 Posts: 2
    Hi There, I am new to fitness pal too. I just started on my journey 2 months ago yesterday :-) I joined a Beachbody 60 day challenge group on FB and actually love it. We encourage each other and help each other along. It was the best thing for me. I also substituted Shakeology for one meal a day. I made new friends and have lost over 8 inches in two months. For the first 30 days I did Shaun T's Rockin' Body workout and now I am doing Jillian Michael's 90 day body makeover, I am in week 5. It is a lot harder but I see the results. One of my friends was using this app so I thought I would try it (as I was using excel). I have a lot to lose, 140 lbs left but am on my way. We can do it!
  • SlatteryFriberg
    You can do this! Why don't you take up running? It's tough at first but it shreds calories. I burn over 600 cals in one run. I am 46 and am in peri-menopause so my hormones are hijacking my body and the weight has been slow to come off but it is going down thankfully, slowly but surely. Spin class (if you have a good one near you- not all spin classes created equal) can burn a lot of calories too. Just take one day at a time and be sure to log in everything you eat. Even if it's a bad day. Sometimes you need the reality check and sometimes you might be surprised to find it wasn't as bad a cheat as you thought. It sounds a bit cliché but honestly- one day at a time. And don't let a bad meal or a bad cheat or a bad food day stop you from getting back on track. And lastly- EAT LOTS OF VEGETABLES!! I find that always having cherry or grape tomatoes around are very helpful and the more I eat them during the week the better my weigh ins are. Good luck!