Gaining Weight but Not Losing...Help!

Hey guys! I really need some moral support and advice. I've been exercising more frequently than usual, but instead of losing any weight in the past month, I have instead put on another 5 lbs. This puts me at 140 lbs, which is the highest I can weigh for my given height (I'm 5'4".)

Does anybody have any general diet/nutrition and exercise tips that helped them lose weight? My goal is to drop about 15-20lbs.

Just some general stats:
I'm a 20-year-old female.
I'm 5'4".
I currently weigh 140 lbs, but I would like to weigh anywhere between 120-125 lbs.
My typical exercise routine includes 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 15 minutes of strength training (squats, abs workouts, leg machines, pushups).

I also have a question. According to MFP, my daily caloric intake should be around 1450 calories. Does this mean that I can only eat 1450 calories before exercise? OR does this mean that my NET caloric intake (total calories - calories burned during exercise) needs to be 1450 calories?

I would really appreciate any support or advice! I know I may be a little young to be as worried and concerned about weight loss as I am, but my mom's side of the family has a history of being overweight and I do not want to continue that tradition. The sooner I develop good eating and exercise habits, the better.

Any and all help is welcome! Thank you so much!


  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    You want to be netting 1450. MFP includes a deficit already, so eat back a percent of those exercise calories. I would recommend around 75% to be on the safe side as MFP tends to over estimate calories burned.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I don't eat back any of the calories I burn during exercise. I just focus on pushing hard during my workout and hitting the calorie goal that lets me lose 1-2 lbs/week. Finding the best calorie level for you is done best by trial and error. What I do and what I recommend to people is to eat at a calorie level that allows you to drop 1-2 lbs/week. This assumes an average calorie burn from you getting in all of your workouts. This will be different for everyone, so you'll have to do some trial and error to figure it out. I'd start ~1400 cal/day. Hit this goal, along with your macros and getting in your workouts, for a week. If you lose 1-2 lbs, you're good to go. If you lose too much, increase your intake and repeat. If you don't lose enough, reduce your intake a bit and repeat. After a few weeks, you'll figure out what works for you in your situation.

    Also, I'd focus more on intense strength training than cardio. It's a great way boost your metabolism and reduce body fat.

  • littlemermaidleelee
    Thank you both for the advice!

    Just to clarify, so if I'm not meant to be eating back the calories I burn, should I eat about 1400 calories per day and then burn about 200-300 calories per day (leaving me with a net calorie count of about 1100-1200)?
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    Thank you both for the advice!

    Just to clarify, so if I'm not meant to be eating back the calories I burn, should I eat about 1400 calories per day and then burn about 200-300 calories per day (leaving me with a net calorie count of about 1100-1200)?

    I'd aim not to go under 1200 to ensure proper nutrition, but I don't know the scientific validity of that. I would work to net 1300-1400 if I were you on days you exercise.