Someone plz help n explain :(

I need help with the remaining calories and Wht that means ? My goal is 1200 calories . I've ate 567 calories so far . Exercised for -124 calories and my net is 452 which adds up to havin 748 remaining? What should I do next :) I'm sorry to bother but I wanna lose 2 pounds a week . And I'm new to this site? ... Plz comment . Thank you


  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I need help with the remaining calories and Wht that means ? My goal is 1200 calories . I've ate 567 calories so far . Exercised for -124 calories and my net is 452 which adds up to havin 748 remaining? What should I do next :) I'm sorry to bother but I wanna lose 2 pounds a week . And I'm new to this site? ... Plz comment . Thank you

    You should eat 748 calories, probably more.

    Understand that 2 pounds a week is a lot, unless you're obese.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You should eat some more food.

    And possibly work on setting up more realistic goals, unless you are obese.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    You whipper snappers really need to chill with the abbreviations.


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat until you have 0 calories left.

    But before you do that, go back to goals and reset MFP to "lose 1 lb per week"-- with 20 lbs to go you can't expect to lose more than that.
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    As long as you eat 1200 calories the site will not give you a warning about eating too little when you close your diary for the day. Personally, I don't eat back many of my exercise calories. People will tell you need to eat them all back or half of them back. You can do what works for you. I know you said you are new to the site so you may not know what works best for you yet. I would suggest eating back part of your exercise calories and see how that works. Give whatever you decide to do time to work - three to four weeks before you change things up.

    I am sending you a friend request. Glad you found the site and are getting healthier!
  • ayager828
    ayager828 Posts: 1
    Yep! I agree with above. If you want to loose weight you actually need to EAT. That means you have about 700 calories you need to eat for the rest of this specific day. A 1,200 calorie a day diet is fantastic for loosing weight, but if you go anything under that your body will enter starvation mode. This will first completely stop weight loss by considerably slowing your metabolism as the body tries to store as much fat as possible. This means you will loose if not gain weight when eating under the 1,200 a day line. However, if you continue to not eat enough for long enough, you will notice considerable weight loss, but it will be coming from loss of muscle mass, not your fat, as your body searches desperately for protein sources. As soon as you start eating healthy again the weight will return, too.
    Basically, to loose the most weight; keep up the good work exercising each day, ALWAYS reach the 1,200 a calorie day mark, and make sure to get your 1,200 through good foods like fruits and veggies and sources of protein and iron. Best of luck!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    For many, 1200 calories is very low. But that's another topic. You should be netting more, so basically eat more. you didn't mention your stats, so how much do you want to lose? 2 lbs a week is usually for someone who has a lot to lose.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I think people have already said enough ... so just do it. Eat .. and enjoy the ride. It can be very rewarding.

    EDIT: I didn't look at your profile ... .but if you do really have 20 lbs to lose ... 2 lbs a week is too much. I would suggest .. 1 lbs or even 0.5 lbs a week is a better number.
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    If it were me, I would ignore MFP and it's 1200 calorie baseline and stick with science.
    I would look at my gender, my height, and current weight.

    Then I would learn about BMR and TDEE, and calculate them out to see what my body NEEDS, and what it can WITHSTAND for reasonable losses. For some people, reasonable losses is indeed with calorie intake under 1200. Not everyone, and certainly not even a majority, but trying to fit within some arbitrary 1200 calorie setting just because MFP says so is .. well .. pretty foolhardy. Some people will actually be gaining weight at 1200.

    That said, I would find it shocking for someone to only want to lose 20 pounds, and be able to successfully lose 2 pounds a week for 10 weeks without weakening their immune system, getting lethargic and full of malaise. It might work for a week or two, but it catches up with you the same way a sleep deficit does. Your body needs continual fuel to process the existing waste (and to burn fat, making waste) out of your system.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If it were me, I would ignore MFP and it's 1200 calorie baseline and stick with science.
    I would look at my gender, my height, and current weight.

    Then I would learn about BMR and TDEE, and calculate them out to see what my body NEEDS, and what it can WITHSTAND for reasonable losses. For some people, reasonable losses is indeed with calorie intake under 1200. Not everyone, and certainly not even a majority, but trying to fit within some arbitrary 1200 calorie setting just because MFP says so is .. well .. pretty foolhardy. Some people will actually be gaining weight at 1200.

    That said, I would find it shocking for someone to only want to lose 20 pounds, and be able to successfully lose 2 pounds a week for 10 weeks without weakening their immune system, getting lethargic and full of malaise. It might work for a week or two, but it catches up with you the same way a sleep deficit does. Your body needs continual fuel to process the existing waste (and to burn fat, making waste) out of your system.

    Also OP, you're likely still growing. Are you really 18? Or younger?
  • mikedahle
    mikedahle Posts: 4
    Look at your food tab. It will break down calories, sugars, sodium and other items. Just adjust your diet to take up some of those calories. Maybe add a few snack with fruit is you have left over sugars, or a hand full of nuts several times a day. The reason you need those calories is to keep your body from going into starvation mode. You could actually gain weight with less calories is that happens. Drink lots of water, stay away from all carbonated beverages. It is best to spread the calories out through the day and not pack them in at the end of the day. It took me a few days to get them spread out correctly. Once you get that locked down you will have more energy also. I like to have a little boost in the morning, so add a few carbs in the morning with my smoothie. I also add fiber to the smoothie or protein powder so it will hold for a few hours. I eat 5 small meals a day and a couple of snacks. With exercise I am usually within 400 or so calories a day. Some days I walk longer so end up with 600 or so. I do not try and pack them all in at the end. I just grab an apple or orange and call it good. Best of luck to you. I have a long way to go but I let myself get here, so I will let myself get back to what I was.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    I eat till I reach my cals. If I'm not hungry then I don't.
  • clemontine
    clemontine Posts: 3 Member
    Try eating more vegetables and fruit and spread your meal out through the day.
  • You need to eat the remaining amount of calories you have left. If you don't eat enough calories you may lose a little weight in the beginning but your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to the weight you want to lose because it will go into preservation mode. Our bodies store fat for times of famine and drought. Not eating enough will cause your body to hang on to this weight because it thinks there isn't enough resources. To lose weight eat the recommended amount of calories and try to exercise daily and/or move around a lot during the day to burn excess calories.