Grinds my gears *peter griffin voice*

In the words of Peter Griffin... you know what really grinds my gears? Lol People think that because I am a pescetarian that I am automatically a healthy eater and I shouldn't have any problems loosing weight. That's a big negative... I didn't stop eating meat to lose weight, I stopped because I just didn't have a taste for it anymore and my body feels better when I don't put that in my body. Also because most of the meat available are from industrialized farms that treat animals like **** and pump them full of chemicals and antibiotics. So until I can find a farm that doesn't treat their animals bad, I won't eat it. That said it can be very difficult getting the proper nutrients because they're not many pescetarian/vegetarian options where I live. You can not eat meat and still eat badly. It really comes down to food prep because I think I make some pretty tasty food. Any woo that is just my 2 cents.

What really grinds your gears when it comes to food, weight loss and other people's perceptions?