Wake up call, trying to work on bettering myself daily.

Hey everyone, so, I'm 23 and around 330lbs. I went to the doc's recently because I kept urinating way more than I should've been and found out after a blood test that I'm prediabetic, dangerously close to developing full blown diabetes. I don't recall what the number was, but the doctor says I was at a 6.2 If I was at 6.5 or above I'd be started on medication. I really, really don't want that. I've really started trying to eat better and stuff, a buddy of mine mentioned this place a few weeks back, so I signed up and started my journal thing.

I know it's never too late and stuff to change, but I really, really, don't want this to happen, ya know? I wanna change and I want to get healthy and actually feel better. I keep having these thoughts about how it might already be too late and there's no fixing it and stuff, but I know I can't think like that.

Edit: I should mention that I felt all the stuff start to happen after I started going to the gym recently, haha. Kinda ironic. Probably my body saying chill and make yourself better.


  • A112133k
    A112133k Posts: 1
    There's this documentary on Netflix called " Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" you should watch it! It's really interesting and informative. Obviously you shouldn't attempt juice fasting without your doctors permission, but maybe just start taking small steps with juicing in the right direction. Check it out!
  • The juicing thing worries me because that means I'm not going to get the fiber and a large spike in sugar, aren't I? I don't know, man. I got referred to a nutriotionist but they haven't returned my call yet.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Hi there,

    I just want to wish you success in your journey towards getting this frightening issue under control. Also, I am sure you will be able to stay off the medication if you are diligent with your new approach to logging/eating healthier. Something else to think about...I have heard that moderate exercise (even just a little bit of walking, daily) will do great things for your blood sugar levels if you are running a little too high in that regard. I seriously wish you all the best. Several friends and relatives of mine have recently found out they are prediabetic, and I know that is a scary, scary thing.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    14 years ago I was told to lose weight because I had 4 of the 5 markers for diabetes. I was 32 at the time. I lost the weight BUT first I really had to think about it. I debated whether I should just keep eating the way I was and then go on medication when the time came or lose weight (in my mind losing weight was really difficult). I not only lost the 25 pounds but I ended up losing 70 pounds. Its not too late. Its never too late. Do it for your future self.

    Edited to add: Do not do the juice cleanse!!!! There is no reason to cleanse. Your body cleanses itself all on its own. Eat at a deficit and exercise more.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    just eat(at a deficit) and lift
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    It's really, really, really, NOT too late. Not even close.

    Eat at a moderate deficit. Quite a few people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic are able to completely reverse those issues with diet and exercise.

    Choose an activity you like and that you can fit into your day.

    It is absolutely worth it.

    NOT too late. Srsly.
  • Thanks for the words of support guys, I really appreciate it. I'll keep track of this food stuff daily and try to do the whole clean eating thing daily. I'm trying to remove meat from the equation completely, unless it's something completely lean like salmon chunks or something.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Thanks for the words of support guys, I really appreciate it. I'll keep track of this food stuff daily and try to do the whole clean eating thing daily. I'm trying to remove meat from the equation completely, unless it's something completely lean like salmon chunks or something.

    Why are you removing meat?
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    There's this documentary on Netflix called " Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" you should watch it! It's really interesting and informative. Obviously you shouldn't attempt juice fasting without your doctors permission, but maybe just start taking small steps with juicing in the right direction. Check it out!

    No. This documentary is mostly bullocks.

    Eat real food, get variety so you get all the nutrients you need, eat at a deficit, move around a bit. Don't overcomplicate things - weightloss doesn't have to be complicated - it just requires consistency. Make changes that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, not quick fixes.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Thanks for the words of support guys, I really appreciate it. I'll keep track of this food stuff daily and try to do the whole clean eating thing daily. I'm trying to remove meat from the equation completely, unless it's something completely lean like salmon chunks or something.

    Why are you removing meat?

    ^^ this. Why would you remove meat?
  • The sodium content (I don't eat red meat because of religious beliefs), and it seems like an easy way to reduce saturated fats from the diet. Would it be wiser to just restrict it to once or twice a week or something?
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    The sodium content (I don't eat red meat because of religious beliefs), and it seems like an easy way to reduce saturated fats from the diet. Would it be wiser to just restrict it to once or twice a week or something?

    Why are you so concerned about sodium?

    We do require sodium in our bodies. And also fat. If you want to eat leaner cuts of meat in order to save some calories, or if it's your preference, that's fine. There is no reason why you couldn't eat meat daily.

    Since you don't have a lot of info posted on your profile, I'm going to assume you are fairly new to all of this. There is no need to cut out foods (obviously if you have religious beliefs that is different, I'm not referring to that.)

    Keep it simple - eat at a moderate deficit and do some activity.

    Here is a link with some basic advice that I think is helpful, and there are additional links provided if you are not sure how many calories to be eating per day, that kind of thing.

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    All you need to do is make better food choices. More healthy, fresh foods, lean meats, protein sources. Be creative and get cooking. Less fast food, and move more. MFP is a real eye opener. It can be surprising how many calories are in the foods we eat. Just don't try to rush things. It takes time to lose weight. You can either spend that time gaining or losing. The choice is yours. Extreme diets do not work. The only thing that will work, is something you can stick to for the rest of your life. If not, you'll just end up giving up and gaining back the weight. Give it time, you will notice changes soon enough. Don't starve yourself. Start doing some strength training, also. Muscle helps increase your metabolism, by burning more calories. ;) Good luck!
  • Kelbelle87
    Kelbelle87 Posts: 6
    It's never too late! Listen here--take baby steps. I've been trying to be more active over the past year, and looking at my ultimate goal has never helped. What really helps is taking each day at a time, and setting a goal. Baby steps! I'm looking for a MF Pal friend to help hold me accountable; if you're interested in such a thing, send me a message and we'll work something out.

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    The sodium content (I don't eat red meat because of religious beliefs), and it seems like an easy way to reduce saturated fats from the diet. Would it be wiser to just restrict it to once or twice a week or something?

    Why are you so concerned about sodium?

    We do require sodium in our bodies. And also fat. If you want to eat leaner cuts of meat in order to save some calories, or if it's your preference, that's fine. There is no reason why you couldn't eat meat daily.

    Since you don't have a lot of info posted on your profile, I'm going to assume you are fairly new to all of this. There is no need to cut out foods (obviously if you have religious beliefs that is different, I'm not referring to that.)

    Keep it simple - eat at a moderate deficit and do some activity.

    Here is a link with some basic advice that I think is helpful, and there are additional links provided if you are not sure how many calories to be eating per day, that kind of thing.

  • Thanks a bunch. I've changed up my schedule a bunch too, sleeping around midnight and waking up around 7 30ish.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Don't cut meat out of your diet. PLEASE don't cut meat out of your diet. Meat has a very low glycemic index. I have hypoglycemia, and sometimes I have to deal with insulin shock, and it's pretty scary. Eating mostly carb foods can cause your blood glucose levels to be all over the place. High at the end of a starchy meal, and plummet a few hours later. Then you end up trying to compensate by eating even more carbs to try to feel better, and the blood sugar goes back up. It's a vicious cycle. With a diabetic, it can be very dangerous to do this. You want to try to keep your blood glucose relatively level as best you can.

    Protein and fats help you stay on an even keel. Protein and fats are low glycemic foods, filling foods, and nutritious foods. Of course don't give up carbs, but balance them.

    Try upping the protein, not reducing it. Chicken, fish, even tofu. If you don't eat red meat for religious reasons, then you're not getting much in the way of saturated fats from your protein sources. Chicken, if you take the skin off, doesn't have much in the way of fats. But I'd advise you to eat the skin and count the calories. Don't go low fat.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    The juicing thing worries me because that means I'm not going to get the fiber and a large spike in sugar, aren't I? I don't know, man. I got referred to a nutriotionist but they haven't returned my call yet.

    Yes, yes, YES!! You are ABSOLUTELY correct! Fiber moderates the insulin response of the whole fruits and vegetables you eat.
  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey, first thing - it is never too late. I am in similar position as you - I am 27, 201 pounds, maybe close to prediabetic, because my numbers were 7,7 and 7,9 few weeks ago. I did not get medication because my morning levels of sugar are still normal. But I realized that I have to do something with my life style, because I have close relatives with diabetes, so I know how hard is to live with it. I started with some small changes, that I can do for long time - walking few times per week, watching my portion. I set my MFP to a slow weight loss and I am feeling great (and did not have high blood sugar since)
    I would definitely recommend seeing a nutritionist and tracking your food, so you can see, where your biggest problems are.
    I send you a friend request, if you have some question, feel free to ask.