SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Oct 25

Oct 25th, the temp forecast is 93 - blargh. Should be cooler tomorrow though.

I was up a lot last night coughing. I'm hoping this is the last of it. I need to be in good health for the up coming week o' yoga.

Today - double yoga and possible walk. I may take it easy though and let myself recover from last night (and just do 2.5 hours of yoga :tongue: )

Goals for the week:
be ready for yoga
get my to do list done
no dessert other than Wed and/or weekend
be rested

Resting, boogaloo


  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Hello Monday! :love:

    Sounds like a good plan..... you Go Girl! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    After a terrible bout of diziness/vertigo/nauseau/headache yesterday, I'm back in the game for the week. I essentially blacked out in Zumba yesterday afternoon. Not good. I think my heart rate spiked, and my blood pressure crashed. I have isms.

    Anyways, a new week with new goals. After a long conversation with my trainer, I've decided to only do a double on Thursdays, and make sure I get a day off (stretching or walking on day off is OK) every week. To that:

    workout goals for the week are: Monday dance (done)/Tues meet with trainer/Weds dance/Thurs double: spin+strength/Fri: day off w/ yoga short stretch sequence only/Sat + Sun Zumba.

    Nutrition goals are: sticking to calorie goal (I've switched to maintenance calories, but I'm only logging/eating half of the calories I burn according to my HRM.) the other part of the conversation with the trainer was that I should quit restricting calories, and just create a deficit through exercise. It seems like six of one, but makes sense.

    No refined sugar (until next Sunday, when I'll see if I want any...I find I like my baked goods above all others, and I can use honey/agave/dates for them).

    Other than that, crazy project work/french translation practice every gosh darn day.

    Yeesh...I'm already tired.

    Warriors, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Made it through a very big (stressful) project last night. Pressing reset today.

    Goals for the week
    1. Walk 30min for 5 days this week
    2. Activate my new gym membership and go to the gym 2 times this week
    3. Stay off coffee (today is 16th day off coffee)
    4. Avoid processed foods, refined sugar, but reserve one treat for sunday (treat day)
    5. Be more conscious about drinking all the water I need
    6. Get back to my meditation each evening before bed
    7. Do my yoga DVD for 3 days this week.
    8. Try to do a better job at not beating myself up for falling off the wagon.

    Boogaloo and beyond!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary and V, I hope you are both feeling better today!
    SMJ, glad you made it through your stressful project.

    I got a little cleaning done this morning, laundry started, Alex's school mostly done, and took him to tumbling class. I still have to do some more cleaning and work out.
    I had wheat last night and I actually don't feel too bad today. Still going to stay off of it for now. I ate high calorie/sugar yesterday so I am going to try to have a low day today.
    Wow. I don't have much to say today. :wink:

    Down to business boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,

    I got a call that my family is coming up for a a day and a half (or more like 24 hours), Thurs-Fri. I always love having them around. I hope they do come. They often cancel at the last minute. So I need to make sure the house is clean and the cat hair cleaned up as much as possible, as my brother is allergic. I will try to start on it today but will make a day of cleaning tomorrow.
    The scale and my measurements are not going down right now. I got off track with counting for several days, even though I didn't eat much, so I am getting back into the groove again. I eat too many carbs. My Foreman grill is pretty much toast and I don't have money to get another so grilled stuff is out. :grumble: Am I rambling? I fill up with brown rice and gluten free bars, so that's where the carbs come in. I need to work on that.
    I am going to try a different Taebo DVD today that I haven't done in awhile. I am wondering if my body is getting used to what I normally do. If Steve gets off work at a decent hour then maybe will will go roller blading again. Or at least for a walk.
    I quit my computer games and wow, a burden has been lifted. :laugh: Seriously, though, I am not wondering if my crops are going to expire while I'm out. :wink: I do have more time to get things done now. Maybe my butt will stop spreading. :tongue:
    So today: log food, horse therapy, visit with friends, different Taebo DVD, some cleaning and school. I think it's suppose to be a nice day so that helps. :)
    Can't think of a boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I think it's great that you are quitting computer games. I play a lot of scrabble/words with friends on my itouch.

    I was too tired yesterday to do more than one yoga session, so that's all I did.

    Today - I teach my old class at noon. I think a long walk tonight. I have lot o' yoga coming up and need to rest. I really hope I'm not coming down with anything. The air quality was really bad yesterday, so maybe that's it.

    Improving, boogaloo?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Woke up with a killer sinus headache. Managed to teach, and am now going to make the radical step of taking the rest of the day off. If I feel a bit energetic later, I'll do some yoga. Due to the high pressure nature of the next week or so, I'm trying to listen to my body and prevent sickness.

    Other than that, naptimes is calling.

    A very useful quote that is helping with this from another (I forget who) MFPer:

    "sometimes the best workout is a day off."

    R&R boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Stressed. No two ways about it. Got informed by my department's list serve last night that someone else is presenting on the same topic (he will no doubt have a VERY different theoretical base) a week ahead of me. We've actually shared bibliographies and such, but I worry it looks like I "stole" his topic. I didn't, but it sucks that I didn't get there first. Comparisons will no doubt be made, and now I am sick (literally) with anxiety about it. Trying to just stay focused and do good work, and know that I will distinguish myself as a scholar. Also, to not run for the hills. (although that would be good cardio, as the hills are far away)

    Despite all that, today's goals are as follows: dance at 9 am, then home to work on the project. Also, I must translate a page of French today, so that my giant French dictionary that is still in its wrapper will stop taunting me. Other than that, I'm just trying to keep my food in check by putting dinner into the crockpot and snacking on good choices (bad night last night. tried to eat a light dinner, got hungry and then got triggered. Had what I now refer to as a portion controlled binge of tacky food. I used food as a coping mechanism, and I'm not proud of it.)

    Stop being sad and be awesome instead, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I like your boogaloo V. :smile: As far as your presentation, don't sweat it. You are going to do awesome and I don't think they will think you stole it. You've been working on this for months right? They will notice all the hard work you've put into it. :flowerforyou:

    I am not doing well at staying off wheat this week. I haven't really felt any horrible side effects either. Makes me wonder.... Although I have noticed that my weight loss stopped. Could be due to having wheat or it could be too many carbs. I'm thinking it's more the latter.
    Busy few days coming up. Family coming and then on Saturday we are going to try to go to the airshow and watch the Blue Angels. I think Alex will love it! And of course news could come any day. As long as I just focus on what is before me, I don't really stress about it. It's when Steve starts talking about it and getting discouraged that I start to fret.
    Goals today: clean the house, finish laundry, vacuum furniture and lint roll it (cat hair removal is a must), clean up clutter and toys, school, get outside, and church tonight. It's a "day off" though I am sure all the cleaning will count for something. Oh and make the ever dreaded grocery list. And that's it!

    No fretting allowed boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yes, I think we all need to destress! Maybe a spa weekend for us? Maybe we could meet in Tennessee or something.
    Actually the thought of more time on the road would stress me out. I have 3 that want me to go to Dallas in the next two months. I already have three trips planned + 4 trips to San Antonio - oh, I-35, I really don't need to get to know you better. I think I can only do one more trip to Dallas - the others will have to wait until next year.

    I'm considering designating November as "buy nothing month". This means anything outside of food, medicine, and basic household supplies for us and our cats. I will still go to yoga, of course. (and I'm somewhat cheating by saying going out to eat and staying in hotels is allowed - it's going to happen either way, mind as well allow it). I also want to get rid of stuff. It makes me feel better to throw/give stuff away - I like empty spaces. More books are going - I could continue to take one or two every time I go to the library.

    Today - only teaching yoga. I'm helping my parents all day for a party they are having tonight. Maybe if I finish early, I can get a walk in.

    Being awesome, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Spa weekend sounds awesome Mary. Tennessee sounds good too! :wink:

    I knew I wasn't going to have time to work out later today so I got on the treadmill this morning. I only had 20 minutes so I did intervals: ran one minute, walked one minute. Felt pretty good except the treadmill is slipping. :frown: I hope it's not about to quit. I hope we can find an adjustment on it or something.
    Today is: grocery shopping, finish straightening up the house, get supper in the crockpot (soup), make gluten free cornbread, and then enjoy the family. :happy:

    A good day ahead boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I think you can adjust treadmills - I don't know how though.

    I did sneak a walk in yesterday. Today begins the Anusara yoga weekend. I teach at noon, then class at 6. I think this will be my last subbing for some time.

    I'm feeling overbooked. Then I look at my brother - 5 kids, full time job, and in graduate school. No idea how he does it, I think I could only do one of those three. He also watches sports and money/stock programs on tv. I've never figured out how people have time to watch tv. It baffles me.
    I'm finally going to the doctor today. We'll see what she says.

    Striving to be "caught up", boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm trying to schedule a spa day for the day after all my exams are over with. I want a hot stone massage, and I want some quiet. Mostly some quiet. I went to the acupuncturist, and she made a very apt observation. She compared what I was going through to the 24th mile of a marathon (she runs them). You know mentally you just have to keep going, but you're exhausted and logic is telling you: "just lay down. right here. it's cool." Just hearing that comparison made me feel a bit better. Also, it's a wonderfully funny image that a runner would just lay down in the middle of the road at the 24th mile, but she confessed that's her impulse. I observed that lately, I just can't turn my brain off. The only time it sort of turns off is when I exercise (which is why that is so very crucial right now). The good news is, despite the stress, I've been headache free for almost a week, and aura-free for almost three. Also, my CT showed that my brain is "normal". :tongue:

    anyways, goals of the day are:

    an appointment downtown, some shopping, hydrating and logging my food.

    Then, because it is Thursday, when the sun goes down, then I will go to the gym for my spin/strength + stretch double.

    Oh, and also, project work and French translation. Yesterday, I sat down and with minimal dictionary help, translated a paragraph in 15 minutes. I messed up some tenses, but the gist was there. So, Le Hooray? I still wish they'd just give me a menu to translate. :laugh:

    When, then, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    If money were no object, V, I'd fly Mary and myself out to celebrate with you the day after your exams. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was interesting. Had a good time with the family. It wore Alex out. We went out for awhile and when we came back we found a very sick, but still pretty alive, rat on my living room floor. It had to choose today when my family was here. Nice. I would have dealt with it if it hadn't been so alive. So I called the maintenance guy. His response, "Oh that's a good one!" You're telling me! I hope that's the end of it. I don't know how much more I can take of this.
    Steve had a dream last night that our agency emailed and said a child passed the background check and she will send us the info soon. I had butterflies all day yesterday, for the first time since last Friday. So we'll see!
    My family will be here for awhile this morning, and Steve may be working late into the evening/night. Alex's OT might come out this evening. Other than that, it's whatever I want to do. I should go vote. I will try to get a work out in. I somehow hurt my back/neck so I'll have to see how it does today.
    I was excited last night because I had time to do a cross stitch! I had played computer games so much that I hadn't had time to do it. :happy: I saw a headline yesterday that said mother pleaded guilty to shaking her child to death because his crying was interrupting her FB game. :noway: :explode: How stupid.
    I need to get back to logging. I failed yesterday. I did buy a lot more healthy food at the store this week, so I am looking forward to eating it. I am down .5 pound this morning so I am re-losing again. Oh and I noticed after putting my jeans on the last two times that they are baggier after about 15 minutes or so of wearing them (the kind that stretch as you wear them). Like really baggy. So I do think the weight is coming off somewhere. :happy:
    Happy Friday!

    Misc. ramblings boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yoga was a little lame last night - mostly the movie and the awkward time between practice and movie when you have to make small talk. Today will be better - I expect a good butt kicking.

    The doctor said I just had a lingering cough and no infection - so that's good. I'm sure it will go away eventually.

    I will send you "find a new house" wishes, MM. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the little guy you posted on FB though. There's got to be a humane way to deal with vermin.

    Yoga weekend, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I hope your lingering cough goes away soon. That's so annoying when it hangs on. Yes, I felt sorry for him too. I have no problem with rodents as long as they stay in their territory, not mine. I really don't know if it was poison or if he just couldn't find water and food in the house to get into. I kind of hope it was the latter because that would mean he's probably been trapped inside and didn't come in through a hole. Thanks for the "new house" wishes. I hope it comes soon too. Have a good yoga weekend. :smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Gah.....not sleeping, continuing to freak out.


    Today I'm aiming for a yoga practice this evening, project work, translation and more project work. It's crunch time, peoples!

    One week from today, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    shortest post ever.:wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I did bad today. And so far I don't feel guilty. :laugh: I was a hobbit and had a second breakfast: a cinnamon roll. Something that comes maybe once every year or two. It was good but I did feel a little queasy after eating it. And I haven't worked out today. I've been painting a biplane kit for Alex. I felt like having fun today. Besides I'll be walking around a lot tomorrow at the air show. :smile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    No guilt!

    Continue to breathe.

    Today - 6 hours of butt kicking yoga. We did splits and lotus last night. Today starts with backbends, then the afternoon class is inversions and forward bends. I'm surprisingly not sore today - maybe tomorrow.

    I've noticed that all really good teachers look people in the eye. I need to work on that. I usually look at someone's alignment and forget that they have a face.

    Time to move, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just got back from Zumba...v. lightly attended. (only one other person...awkward)

    Today, I have a planned project work sesssion (have to figure out where to cut...better to have too much than not enough). A bit of shopping, cooking dinner and a possible mani/pedi in order to have a break from working.

    Also, hyrdrating and good snack choices (that's why the shopping). I've been slipping in this department. Stupid fried potatoes. I might try to make some kale chips for snack time.

    Snacktime, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: