Can't seem to lose!

I have been following my diet plan and eating my recommended daily calories. I have been doing around 1,500 calories more then my weekly goal yet I still weigh the same and havent lost in over a month. I am very confused. I am feeling like I am ready to give up. I cant eat any less and I am more active then I have have been yet I stay the same. I have been doing everything right since I started (2 months ago) but have only lost 3 pounds total. I had my thyroid checked and the Dr. said it looks normal.... Where do I go from here?


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Check everything you're eating and DRINKING. Dont believe the calories on here unless you have put them in yourself or they have no star * at the side. Entries with * are very very often way out. I double and triple check mine. And I say check the drink because one of my MFP pals was recently in the same boat as you, it turns out her drink was to blame, it wasn't no added sugar as she thought. She was doing as they say and drinking galons...she was taking in an extra 1000 calories a day minimum just from the squash.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Same here. I was thinking to myself this morning, what the hell is going on. This week I had way more exercise, & changed up my workout a little too. I gained 3lbs. :sad:

    Although, I have noticed my clothes look & fit loser. I didn't take measurements at the beginning this is my 6th week on full w-MFP.:grumble:

    I have had some bad days of course, but I make sure I workout.

    I'd like to see what others can share regarding this
  • wh0a_is_me
    Look into purchasing a hand held body fat percentage meter from Amazon. Something like this:

    I've used this a couple of times in school for Health/Bio classes, and they use at my Kickboxing class to evaluate students. I'm not sure how accurate it is.. but if the numbers are going down, whether they're the right numbers or not, then you know you're gaining muscle & losing fat.

    I hate the scale, honestly. It just tells you how much weight you're carrying on your body - not whether it's good or bad weight. I prefer to go based on how strong I feel and how my clothes fit...& I'll probably purchase one of those meters myself.

    just a thought, I hope it helps!
  • kwawrin73
    You may not be eating enough calories. I had the same issue back in the Spring, I talked to the nutrientist at my Gym about it and she recommended me eating more calories. My total increased by 240 per day and I began to shed the weight. Her explanation to me was - if you don't eat enough calories you "starve" your body and it starts to store fat for emergancy. This causes you to slow down or stop loosing weight all together. Try increasing and hope it works for you! Load up on protein too!