Why has the weight loss slowed so much?

khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lost 43 lbs. At first it was 2 pounds a week consistently. I loved it! Very motivating.
For the last few months it has been maybe .5 a week. Not very motivating.
I still have 35 pounds to go! At this rate it will take forever! I don't think I can stay motivated for that long!

I have stuck to my 1200 calories and upped my exercise. What else to do?


  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Healthy & sustainable rates of loss are the easiest to maintain, in my opinion.
    .5 lbs/week is nothing to be frustrated with.
    Think of it this way, less sagging skin & stress on your internal organs.
    Congrats on your losses.
  • I was at a serious plateau myself, and tried the usual - ate more, exercised more, etc. I was stuck! What got me going again, believe it or not, was I stopped exercising for about 5 days (my child was sick and work was super busy). It seems like you're doing all the right things, so I'm sure you won't be at the same place for long.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    have you chagned your food/workout plan recently? the body adapts to thing after about 4-5 weeks of the samething over and over again... thus slowing down weight losss..

    orr when you have more weight, the easier it is to loose.. I always compare myself to the people that i see loosing like 4 - 5lbs a week, and get frustrated that I'm only loosing 1 - 2lbs per week. Once you start getting down in weight the harder it is to loose..

    if that makes sense.
  • I think this is about normal I've lost around that amount and mine has dropped to around about.5 a week also. I've got to so many plateaus I've lost count! It is disheartening but I'm keeping going I know Christmas will be a struggle but then I'll be renewed for the New Year. I usually change my exercise routine and that usually kick starts it again not by necessarily by doing more but by going swimming instead of going to the gym for the week. It's worth a try! Well done so far!
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    FYI, a true plateau does not occur until weight loss stalls (meaning no losses) for approx. 6 weeks in a row.
    If you're losing every week, you're not at a plateau.

    I would recommend switching up your workouts and daily menu.
  • pavilo
    pavilo Posts: 3 Member
    You should not feel that bad after I tell you that I m stuck for more than 10 months with the same weight . I have 10 lbs to lose and not matter what I do ( change diet, excercise and so forth) it does not go away. This is my second week consuming betweein 1100 and 1200 cals/daily. I workout five to six days per week for 1 hr. and I don't see any progress. Worse I have gained 2 lbs. :0( . I m going to stick to this diet for three weeks and see how it goes. Maybe my body it is adjusting. I have read/heard many theories concerning this issue. Some of them says I need to eat more like 1600 cals/daily, others say I need to increase my protein intake to 147 , there is anothe that says consume less protein (102gr). They also suggest more excersice : 1/2 hr. cardio (walking or jogging) empty stomach then 1 hr. strengh training in the afternoon plus 20 mins. walking/jogging before go to bed. There is this article I read that say that in order to lose fat you need to decrease cardio and do more weights to gain muscle, "more muscle less fat". Anyway, I think that each person responds different to any diet. I m doing the same diet and excercise program than my friend and she is losing weight already. I think this is b/c she has more muscle than me and her metabolism may be faster than mine. So don't get discourage and keep your program. Try another program and see how your body responds. Oxygen mag is a good tool. They have different programs and good information. Check carefully your daily food intake and see how much carbs , fat, protein and so forth you are consuming daily. Maybe you can change your carbs intake to less or more depending on how much are you consuming. I have some drastic diets and excercise program if you want to try it let me know. I can send you the information. Good luck and don't give ut!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have lost 43 lbs. At first it was 2 pounds a week consistently. I loved it! Very motivating.
    For the last few months it has been maybe .5 a week. Not very motivating.
    I still have 35 pounds to go! At this rate it will take forever! I don't think I can stay motivated for that long!

    I have stuck to my 1200 calories and upped my exercise. What else to do?

    If you are exercising and only eating 1200 calories you may not be eating enough. Try to eat 1/2 of your exercises calories by choosing healthy snacks or by slightly incressing the calories in your main meals.

    You may also need to change your exercise routine and/or itensity and even what you eat every day. Don't eat the same food at every meal every day. I know that it is easier to make and post in the dairy but we all need changes, specially our bodies.

    How long did it take you to get the extra weight? Did you expect to loose it overnight? You are still loosing weight and as another member posted, the slower the better because you will have more chances to maintein it once you reach your goal.

    We should have motivation to loose weight but also, and more important, to achieve a healthy way of life (eating and exercise). Are you happy with the weightt that you lost so far (congratulations!), are your clothes feetting better, are you proud of yourself?

    So why loosing motivation, and what would you get out of loosing motivation? Once you loose motivation, the weight will come back. Is that what you want?

    Look ahead, plan ahead, put a smile on your face, be happy and proud of you have done so far. By a bunch of flowers for your dinner table and keep on going. Never give up, because you can do it and because you are worthy!
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