Which Television character are you?



  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Denny Crane- Boston legal
  • jeralank
    jeralank Posts: 56 Member
    with my glasses on I totally look like Peter Griffin.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    According to my 21yr old daughter, I'm Edina Monsoon from Ab Fab.............If I could choose tho, I'd be Helga from Vikings lol

    LOL...I've gotta ask...is your daughter a lot like Saffron?
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    I've always wanted to be Olivia Pope.
  • AllMyUsernamesRTaken
    AllMyUsernamesRTaken Posts: 91 Member
    Pennsatucky from Orange is the New Black, minus the meth. I'm a Jesus FREAK!!!! And can be a bit psycho violent if crossed.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i don't watch tv but i've been told i'm like a cross between the smart girl and the pretty girl on BBT. so, like, not uber pretty and not uber smart, either. thx mom. :huh:
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    Pennsatucky from Orange is the New Black, minus the meth. I'm a Jesus FREAK!!!! And can be a bit psycho violent if crossed.

    ^ Awesome! Love this haha!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Definitely Phoebe from "Friends."
  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    Tim Allen's character on last man standing (Mike). Ultra conservative Obama hater. My kids swear I write the script.
  • TheGreatBeyond
  • doug_pierce
    doug_pierce Posts: 255
    Jeffrey "Wheels" Dexter Boomhauer III
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    There are two characters from television that I have been able to relate to That I can think of right now. It is probably Pheobe from friends and Jessica Day from The New Girl. \

    I remember the first time I watched The New Girl... I was in love because it was making my weirdness suddenly so much more acceptable.

    She is much more adorable than I am though... and skinnier... but we do talk similarly at times, well, in our manner of speaking, I don't have as deep a voice.. I don't think.. Maybe I do? Anyway, we both sing all the time and are slightly awkward to extremely awkward but there is always at least a little bit of awkward...

    So yeah...
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    Weird because I am essentially Jess from New Girl too haha I live with 3 guys, one is douchey and we made a douche jar for him, we have weird drinking games, and also a messed up plumbing situation where one person holds the light, one person pours the water, and the third wiggles a hanger around in the drain... can't make this crap up.
  • Fit4MeAlways
    Arya Stark

    Fear Me!!!!
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Arya Stark

    Fear Me!!!!

    GOT's answer to Scrappy Doo.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Dorothy from Golden Girls. younger, but still her.

    I used to always say this, but my friends would laugh at me and say I'm a total Rose or Blanche instead :-/
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member


    I am Jess is personality and a little in style, Some she says and does exactly what I have said and done before...
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    I am equal parts Malory Archer, Olenna Tyrell, and Sheldon Cooper. *****y, Sassy, giant socially awkward nerd.