How can I get the most bang for my buck?

I have a limited time to workout, what activities will burn the most in the shortest amount of time? I like fun things like hula hopping and dancing, but I'm open to just about anything that isn't running! Suggestions welcome!

Also looking for more friends! Add me if you're nice and/or cute! :)


  • Spinning burns lots of calories.
  • I love spinning, the more effort you put into the bike the more calories you burn.
    You also sweat a lot too!

    Worth it!
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I have a limited time to workout, what activities will burn the most in the shortest amount of time? I like fun things like hula hopping and dancing, but I'm open to just about anything that isn't running! Suggestions welcome!

    Also looking for more friends! Add me if you're nice and/or cute! :)

    What sort of time do you have available?

    Probably something that inlcudes in your week weight training, and cardio would be the combination to fire up the burn, get the metabolism stoked and combined with a calorie deficit would give you a lot of bang for your buck.

    You could do all of that if you have 30-45 minutes per day to devote to it (maybe take 1 day per week off). A lower body day of weights, an upper body day of weights, a day focused on the core with weights and body weight, and then the other days get on a spin bike, a real bike, a treadmill, swimming, rowing, running (I know you said you hate it), power walking, Zumba, etc... .

    The secret when timed crunch is to make sure you have easy access and don't spend too much time getting to and from wherever it is you work out. Home gyms are great for that. As is what you hate - running - because you're out the front door with the only equipment requirements being a decent pair of running shoes making it cheap, easy and very effective bang for the buck.

    Not sure the hula hoop and dancing are the best bang for your buck in terms of your requirement "shortest amount of time". Patience is required when losing weight. A good healthy goal is to shoot for a pound a week give or take which 30-45 minutes a day along with a calorie deficit will do if you track everything and stay on top of it.
  • L4manski
    L4manski Posts: 1,012 Member
    Plyometrics are supposed to be great too. Here are a list of exercises copied from an article I found...

    Squat Jump - Squat as far as possible and jump off the ground
    Lateral Jumps - From a standing position, jump side to side
    Power Skipping - On each skip, lift the upper leg as high as possible
    Tuck Jumps - With feet shoulder width apart, the athlete jumps, tuck their legs in, extend them, and land
    Alternate Leg Bounding - Run with long strides, placing an emphasis on hang time
    Box Jumps - Jump on to and off of a large box 18" or higher
    Vertical Depth Jump - Starting from the top of a box, jump down and back up as fast as possible
    Plyometric Push-up - Perform a normal push up, but exert enough upwards force to lift the hands and body off the ground.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Most calories burned in shortest time would have to be HIIT. you can work a resistance component into that.

    if you like dancing try jumping rope. do it with headphones on its a lot of fun. you get good very quickly
  • Thanks for all the suggestions, definitely will be doing some of these! I don't have a gym membership so any at-home type stuff is great! I have about an hour tues-thurs, about 2 hours fri-sat and all day Sunday for workouts! Thinking of investing in an elliptical as it's my favorite work out but I don't know what brands/price ranges are good!
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    If you are interested in an elliptical, check into getting one used off sites like craigslist or ebay.. A lot of good equipment can be had for a good price because people bought it and barely used it, and want to get rid of it :) If you see one posted look up the brand/model information to find out if it has good reviews or not. That's how I got my pilates machine - brand new, but the box was banged up and one corner had a small dent (totally cosmetic) so I got it at a great price off a reputable ebay reseller. Its nice not to have to have to make a trip to the gym, and I can watch the evening news while I work out :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions, definitely will be doing some of these! I don't have a gym membership so any at-home type stuff is great! I have about an hour tues-thurs, about 2 hours fri-sat and all day Sunday for workouts! Thinking of investing in an elliptical as it's my favorite work out but I don't know what brands/price ranges are good!

    i used to love the elipitcal as well, but that is not 'most bang for your buck'