How to start out

Hi there. I'm ridiculously unfit. To clarify, I've spent the majority of the last 6 years either sitting or lying down with probably a maximum of about 20 minutes a day of actually moving about outside of the house. I had some issues with my legs that were unrelated to my weight which caused a fair bit of pain and so I used that as an excuse to be as lazy as possible while I ate & ate & ate some more.

Having had surgery on both legs I'm now out of excuses and I was wondering how to start exercising properly. I started doing the couch to 5k programme yesterday and failed miserably halfway through the 3rd minute of running with 90 seconds of walking in between (just to give you an idea of how crazily unfit I am) though I think I was simply trying to run too fast and should start much more slowly.

I just wanted to know if anyone could give me an idea of how to start out building up strength and endurance since I'm sick to death of essentially being a useless blob, lol.

If It helps:

Height: 6'3 (190cms)
SW: 330lbs
CW: 260lbs
GW: Around 220lbs - Not definite; I just want to feel healthy.


  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Why dont you start out walking first?
    Find something you enjoy, and that you can actually stick to.

    You will get there :smile:
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Why dont you start out walking first?
    Find something you enjoy, and that you can actually stick to.

    You will get there :smile:

    Yup. Try lots of different ways of moving. You'll find something that you can enjoy that is also manageable. Read a lot, make attainable fitness goals, and you will progress.
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    I started doing the couch to 5k programme yesterday and failed miserably halfway through the 3rd minute of running with 90 seconds of walking in between (just to give you an idea of how crazily unfit I am) though I think I was simply trying to run too fast and should start much more slowly.

    It wasn't really a failure; you are just at the beginning of the journey towards a healthier you. You know, I really tried to not make that last sentence sound like some cheesy (mmm cheese) nutritional/exercise infomercial, but couldn't make it work. Meh.

    As you've pointed out, it's been 6 years since you've asked your body to undertake any kind of increased physical activity. Also, you are recovering from surgery. These are not excuses to go back to where you were, just reasons you aren't ready for a 5k tomorrow.

    Ease into the routine. Continue with the C25K program, but increase at your pace. If you need to spend two weeks doing the first weeks worth of walking/running, then do that. You must increase your workload at some point, however, or you will not get better. I know that sounds like common sense, but it should be said.

    I also recommend some resistance training. Perhaps just start with pushups and situps. Do not worry about the amount you can do at this stage. Seriously. Just start. The number you can do will increase pretty quickly if you stick to it.

    So, in the end, just get started. As the weight drops off and the muscles increase, the exercise gets easier. Once you hit that stage, and you will, you will want to exercise more to challenge yourself.

    Good luck to you.
  • RobertReese12
    I think you should start with a walking exercise. Together with it you need to change your diet routine. You should eat more proteins and fiber in your daily food. It help you to increase your energy level. after that only to might be able to go to gym.