Help! Hubby having issues w/ me working out to Zumba

I have the Zumba Latin Dance Fitness Set DVD's and for my B-day I really want to get Zumba Total Body Transformation DVD set. The issue is that ever since I joined MFP my hubby says "I' m getting obssessed (sp ?)with working out & eating healthy. "He even said I have problem lol. I don't believe that's true because I work out 3-5 times a wk for 1 hr. He doesn't understand that I want to be fit for my own good. I'm a new mommy & feel the need to work out to look better & be healthy. Should I still get my other set of Zumba Dvd's or I'm I really obsessed with working out & eating healthy??? :(


  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Stick with it. The same thing happened to me after I had my son and was going to the gym atleast 4 times a week for 1 hour or more. I lost a good amount of weight but then the hubby started to feel neglected and jealous and I stopped gaining back twice what I had lost. Find a comprimise but don't give up.
  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71
    My Hubby says he likes what Zumba's done for my confidence and enjoys other benefits that come from that :blushing:
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    My husband mentioned this weekend about me. We have to feel comfortable in our skin! If we are not we cannot be 100% for our kids or family. If he is adamant about not getting them then maybe get them for Christmas. I wouldn't want to create problems but at the same time you have to feel good for you.....End of day I would say maybe hold off for Christmas let the situation die down a bit!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    We men have a thing about being the center of a woman's world. *wink* He may be jelous of you and/or maybe feel a little neglected, even if he isn't.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    When your "underweight" that's when your husband should worry. If that isn't the case I say get the dvd's if this is what's making you happier and healthier then go for it. Just make sure it's not taking away too much from your time with him or try to include him, although I don't know how willing he'd be to try Zumba:laugh: I know my husband get's a little jealous at times too and then I just have to balance my time a little better, maybe you could even make it a little sexy, throw on some heals and a skimpy out fit and I'm sure he will NO LONGER have a problem with Zumba! lol! In fact he'll probably start asking you eachday if you've done your Zumba yet!:wink:
  • ausmithe
    Tell your husband that he should want you to be fit and healthy. Working out 4 times a week is great, I workout 6 days a week and it's changed my life, for the better. As long as you are continuing to have healthy progress and aren't experiencing injuries or other negatives, then you are NOT working out too much. Take care of yourself and suggest that your husband join in. Maybe this is an opportunity for you two to share in an activity.

    Aaron of
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Of course you should get the DVDs!

    Sit you hubs down and show him some research on how unhealthy children are when their parents don't eat right and exercise. Explain that you are not doing this to look 'hot', you are doing this so that when you are 50-like your friend Jeannie here on MFP, you won't have high BP, high cholesteral, be fat and unhealthy all around with no energy. You want to take care of yourself NOW when you are young and can pass this along to your children. All 3 of my kids played sports, but I did not feed them right and allowed for junk on top of junk. What I wouldn't give to go back and take away a sport, so I had time to cook a healthy meal!!

    NOW is the time to take care of YOU! You lil ones will follow suit. My friends daughter has always been super healthy and her kids will come in and say 'we going to exertsized to day mommy?" :laugh: they do the vids with her! (she likes yoga!)

    Once the hubs knows this is a change for the good and for EVER he will take you seriously.

    Took mine a while, but now he reminds me to exercise!!

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tlbejarano
    He's probably just feeling a little neglected if you have a new baby AND a new goal to work towards. By NO means do I think you should stop your progress and from what you have said, you sound motivated - NOT obsessed. You probably just need to talk it out with your husband. Maybe you can talk him into doing Zumba with you! Have you ever tried it with a partner? It's so much fun, and he'd probably like it more than he thinks! Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have the Zumba Latin Dance Fitness Set DVD's and for my B-day I really want to get Zumba Total Body Transformation DVD set. The issue is that ever since I joined MFP my hubby says "I' m getting obssessed (sp ?)with working out & eating healthy. "He even said I have problem lol. I don't believe that's true because I work out 3-5 times a wk for 1 hr. He doesn't understand that I want to be fit for my own good. I'm a new mommy & feel the need to work out to look better & be healthy. Should I still get my other set of Zumba Dvd's or I'm I really obsessed with working out & eating healthy??? :(

    Get the Zumba DVD and a new nightgown/teddy in Victoria Secret and do the Zumba for your husband. I bet that he will change his mind really soon. If not, then he has a problem, but don't let it became yours.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I agree that I think he is feeling neglected. I talked to my husband when I started my journey to healthy living and talked about what it would mean for me to be able to have his support so I don't feel guilty when I leave the house 3 - 5 / wk to exercise.

    Explain like I did that you are doing this so that you are healthy and that you can be there for the family and so that you can feel as sexy on the inside as you are on the outside. If you stop eating or workout 3hrs a day every day then yes, you might have a problem. Also tell him that there is always the side bonus of Zumba (that my hubby is waiting for) and that is getting confident and showing / using some of those latin dance moves on him!
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Honestly sometimes men just need the to be reassured that even though you are losing the weight for you and getting in shape as well that it benefits him and I agree that he maybe feels either neglected or worried that he'll lose you once you reach your goal. Find ways to let him know that's not the case. Good luck! :)
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks everyone I'm going to go on and get them for my own Christmas gift. I'm not under weight or overweight but I still have to work out to be healthy. I just asked a co-worker and she said that it sounds like he's jealous. It doesn't interfere w/our time or my baby's time bcuz I do my work out at 4:30 a.m. and my hubby goes to work at 4:00a.m. and comes back at 7:30 p.m. and my baby goes to the sitter so no interfering with either. Thanks a bunch for the advice:)
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Does he work out? Could be he feels guilty if he's not . That what happened with my hubby, I kept working out started looking a lot better and guess what?:love::love: HE"S WORKING OUT NOW!
  • kbragg
    kbragg Posts: 6
    He probably feels a little threatened that once you get the body of your dreams you'll look at him like "You're looking a little mushy there brah...we don't match, gotta trade you in for a leaner model" LOL! My DH got like this when I lost the weight from child number 3, especially when other men started noticing me. I just had to remind him that he's the only one that gets my motor going *wink* He got over it. Shoot now he fusses when I DON'T exercise and is quick to snatch my twizzlers out of my purse LOL!
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    I don't think your obsessed! Just let your husband know that part of why you want to get in shape is for him. It takes a little obesession to get it done but if he feels that he's part of why you're doing it, it will probably calm his nerves a bit.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I don't have a whole lot to add other than what has already been said, and to echo the fact that you definitely aren't "over doing it."

    The only thought I have is does he have his own time to do his own thing? My wife is a fitness instructor, so she gets to get her workouts in while she's at work. We've got three kids, so me finding time to get my workouts in is a little tricky. That's the only source of stress I have with her level of dedication, and really only comes up when she tries to "encourage" me to work out more.

    Maybe the source of his issue isn't that you are working out, but maybe he's not feeling he has the time to do his own thing. Not sure if that is the situation or not, but it's just a thought.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    I've already talked to him about it (several times), but I'm going to have another talk w/him to get the point across:). He doesn't work out because he really doesn't have time.
  • Pandemonium
    If you don't mind me being so forward, but your husband does not seem very supportive. I would not call you being obsessed.

    Working out 3 - 5 times a week, that is not obsessed.

    Keeping a diet journal (in this case, MFP) of course, has been proven to help those wishing to loose or maintain weight faster then those people who don't keep track. So by you being here is helping with your fitness goals.

    I say buy those DVDs that will keep you on track with a healthier you! And have a talk with your husband to tell him how that makes you feel because you are extending your life expectancy.

    That's always a good thing!