How long to get from 22% BF to 20? Maybe 18?

So today I got a Body Composition Analysis and stood on one of these


Age: 26
Height: 161cm
Weight: 52.2kg
Waist: 68cm
Hips: 86cm
WHR: 0.79
BMI: 20.1
BMR: 1204
Fat Mass: 11.7kg (22.4%)
Fat Free Mass: 40.5kg
Muscle Mass: 38.2kg (73.2%)
Body Water: 28.7kg (55.0%)
Impedance: 647 Ohm
Trunk Fat: 18.9%
Visceral Fat: 1.0 Level

1. How accurate is this?
2. Can my BMR be actually measured just by stepping on that analyzer?
3. How long should it take for me to get from 22% BF to like 20 maybe even 18? (Wishful thinking lol)
4. Is it feasible that I don't really have access to gym equipment but I do have dumbbells and barbells!
5. Is strength training a good way to help me tone up and lose BF?
6. Any more tips?