Time for encouragement not embarassment

I just finished reading through a lot of the "embarrassing moments" and I have felt that pain my whole life. It is time for the brighter side. I want to hear about the looks, the comments, the actions that gave you joy when you were losing weight. What NSVs kept you going?

The best thing that happened to me was when my 7 year old daughter wrapped her arms around my waist and was able to clasp her hands behind me and she said, "Mommy, I can hug you more now!"


  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I get a few positive comments from colleagues/friends, but I don't encourage them. I've never been one to need external confirmation/disapproval for how I look, and that hasn't changed now I'm 35 lbs lighter. In an odd way, I get kinda confused when people say "you're looking good/skinny/thinner". My natural reaction is "huh?", and then mild irritation.

    Probably my favorite NSV is the thought I carry around in my head that I've already significantly improved my chances of not having high blood pressure/cancer/heart disease, or at the very least, delaying them. That, and it's given me a great opportunity to clear my closet out.

    I would have said that just moving around is generally easier, but it isn't, because I was always fairly fit, and I've gone and injured my knee. Duh!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I used to be taking a lot of medicine, I was taking xanax to sleep (restless leg) and nexium for heart burn. I was also taking buspar for depression. I am off of all of them now.

    I can sleep naturally. I like that. I have also gone down two sizes in my swim suit, hoping for more soon.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    The story about your daughter hugging you is wonderful!

    I got the coolest compliment a few weeks ago at the gym, which is the coolest response or NSV I've experienced so far. Two separate people that don't know each other, at two totally separate times, were SHOCKED to learn that I was so big and out of shape less than a year ago. They are at the gym with me constantly and always assumed based on my size and activity level now that I'd always been fit & active. That was so awesome to hear!

    My husband's reaction to my physical changes has been amazing as well. He met me fat, married me fat, loved me fat, but has been right there with me enjoying all the cool things that happen to your muscles & body in general as you lose weight and strengthen/gain muscle. Just the other day, he was lightly rubbing my back and pointed out how much the muscles back there have changed. He was impressed actually. Gotta love that!

    While I haven't been eating to lose lately, I've been seeing changes thanks to hitting StrongLifts 5x5 pretty hard in the last couple months. Being able to say that I can now squat more than my body weight and that my current total of the big 3 lifts is about 440 lbs. (compared to the 135 lbs. I started with) is pretty badass. Beating PRs is a great way to spend every day! (and the bonus of seeing my butt get smaller and higher is a NSV I can get behind!)
  • 95Tashey95
    95Tashey95 Posts: 65 Member
    I lost quite a lot of weigh and am now in the healthy BMI but would still like to loose about 7lb and will always see myself as 'the big girl'

    I had a comment from an uncle's new girlfriend who only knew the 'new me' and she made a comment saying 'you are so luck you can eat what you want and keep such a nice figure'

    beaming inside, how little she knew of the effort involved and the feeling I got of not being seen by outsiders as the 'the big girl' I still see myself as