This weekend was horrible

This weekend my husband and I went to Seattle and not only did I pig out every day, but I didn't exercise at all (unless you count working my masseter because of chewing!). I feel completely bloated and disgusting and have lost all motivation to keep "dieting". I know that all it takes is a few days of pushing myself really hard to get back into the swing of things, but I feel like I lost it all. Advice please on how to get over the guilt and regain my motivation?


  • oregonchick
    Just think about how you will continue to do good with food choices and exercises. Don't let one day ruin it. And you shouldn't feel guilty, sometimes it is nice to treat ourselves to "good" food. Everybody needs a day off and this weekend was your "vacation" but now you are back on track :)
  • wife2mikejh
    Hey we are only human. It is going to happen sometime! The best advice I can give is to forget that day and just start anew today!
  • jpowers416
    jpowers416 Posts: 57 Member
    Chin up girl!! I've fallen victim to the "well I just ate enough food to last me all week in this one sitting" before. I actually did it a few months ago. I stopped working out, stopped caring really.... and gained 5 pounds. Even if you feel like you took a step backwards, you need to keep looking forward! I didn't pay attention to anything that I was eating and started to not fit into my pants that I had just bought. That was the real kick in the pants I needed to get me back in gear and back to the gym.

    So don't let it be that long before you get back to it. You CAN undo anything that you did this past weekend. Just takes a little work ;) You can do anything you put your mind to!!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    It happened. It's over. It can't affect you today unless you let it. Your choices can be different starting RIGHT NOW!

    I over-indulged this weekend and am back into my normal patterns today. Not pushing myself extra hard, not eating less to make up for my indulgences. Just starting back today following my normal food and exercise routine.

    Two days of indulgence is nothing in the grand scheme of things. We're in this game for the rest of our lives. Stopping FOREVER because you indulged for two days WILL have a HUGE affect. When I spill a few drops of paint on the floor, I clean them up. I don't dump out the entire gallon of paint onto the floor thinking "Well, I spilled two drops. Guess the entire floor is ruined. Might as well dump out the entire thing".

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Just try to put in the past! I really do not do well on the wekends at all. I dont binge eat I just dont DIET like Im suppose too. There is always something going on . For insance this past weekend my Mom came up from Florida. So I cooked fajitas. Next weekend NASCAR .....Suite tickets! So that means unlimited buffet, beer etc.... UGH! I try and control as much as I can but I know I could do betetr but its hard with everyone else around you who is not dieting! LOL! So I just put the weekends behind me and focus on the weekdays!
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and say today is a new day! Drink a lot of water and healthy eats and maybe even a workout. Those things will make you feel better and lead you back on the right track. I know, I have a lot of bad weekends! :laugh: Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I work weekends and really am not dedicated to my workouts as I am during the days off. I do get 30 min lunch break where I walk around the downtown area, so there is my "exercise". Yesterday was just bad. I have insomnia so I didn't get much sleep. I woke up late, missed my bus to work, my co-worker didn't show up and I skipped breakfast. I got a 30 min break but I was so hungry that I ate a burger and medium fries. I felt sick, bloated and just plain gross after I ate it. I have not eaten something like that in a few weeks so it was a big HELLO! for my body. I felt guilty all day but these things happen. Today is a new day. I cannot always control what happens in my life and mistakes will happen. The good thing is that when you fall, you can always get back on your feet.
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    If you are "doing right" 80% of the'll be fine!!

    No one can truly 'LIVE' perfectly...otherwise, there's no point! You're not truly 'living' then.

    Besides, one or two days isn't going to make that big of a difference!! It's all mental.

    Push on! (I had two days like this just last week, and I'm still trying to get better and be better).