Hello all! :)

Hey everyone! So I'm just now getting serious about getting into shape. I can't even remember how many years in a row that my New Years Resolution has been to lose weight. I'm sick of saying I'm going to over and over and over again. I want to actually DO IT and feel better about myself. If there's one thing I've learned by not liking the way I look for so long, it's the fact that no matter how many other people make you feel good, there's just that one hole where you can't fill until you feel got about yourself. I'm tired of having low self-esteem over something that I can change if I just dedicate myself to it. I think myfitnesspal is a great site to help me do this!


  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Welcome! This site has been extremely helpful in getting and keeping me motivated.
  • butilovetacos
    butilovetacos Posts: 31 Member
    I totally feel you about making resolutions but never keeping them! I just hit 25 and have HAD it, I want to be healthy in my 20's and more! We can get fit together and stay motivated! Good Luck!