
  • I'm in!! I love challenges!! Plus it keeps me on track. Good Luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Im in!!
  • how did everyones first day go???
  • ffatta
    ffatta Posts: 1
    Hey all!

    As I want to be 155 by 1/1/11 to win $100.00 from my brother, count me as in since 10 will be half of what I need to loose in the next 9 weeks. E-mail me if you are feeling challanged, or if you are a low carber/ Paleo diet follower.

  • Oh I am SO in!

    I need a boost like this. I've been off MFP for a bit, moved across the country, and need to kick myself in the BUTT.

    Oh.... and I need a scale.... guess that's pretty important :laugh:
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Made it to the gym although it was raining. Remembered that I have this challenge and the support system of MFP. So I burned over 800 calories and am so happy I went!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    yesterday I burned close to 400 calories and stayed around 1200 calories. today I burned more than 600 calories and will be eating some of my exercise calories. I am so close to onderland I can taste it. hopefully by Friday I will be 199.

    edit to say: my goal weight will be 190.

    Have a great day!!
  • congrats positivelyme and happiness! every day, say out loud i WILL LOSE TEN POUNDS BY THANKSGIVING. it will happen, it can happen if you stay strict with your plan and DO NOT sweat the small stuff.. remember if you go overboard on calories one day.. you can just add that to your next day to make sure you dont eat as much.. its all about calories per week, so if you FEAST on tuesday but eat nearly nothing on wednesday, it equals out. REMEMBER YOU CAN DO THIS. I CAN DO THIS. i am proof. i have done this before.. and i kept the ten pounds off for almost a year, STAY POSITIVE AND BEAUTIFUL! :)
  • I hear that I was MIA for awhile on here but I'm hopin back on track. Count me in too!
  • I hear that I was MIA for awhile on here but I'm hopin back on track. Count me in too!

    goood! come join the challenge.. i am DEF losing ten nasty pounds by thanksgiving. it will happen! check back on here whenever you can so we can all help each other out! gooooooooood luck!
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I kniw I'm a little late, but count me in!
  • skyskyebird
    skyskyebird Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so in....
  • mkakowski
    mkakowski Posts: 20 Member
    Yay! I'm definitely in! I'm new....so how does it work? Do we check in daily or weekly? Or is it basically just a personal challenge we each try to achieve?
  • I would LOVE to join, just fill me in on ex. how this works please!
  • I'm in!!!
  • I'm in!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I caved and had a piece of pizza at a meeting at work... :(

    Looks like I'm having asparagus for dinner!
  • alright.. everyones asking how this works.. basically i have no idea.. haha im just gonna post on thisboard every night and everyone should come on and tell us how you're doing with your diet, or vent, or whatever.. basically just a huge support group of YOU CAN DO ITTTT. legit wake up every morning and say I CAN LOSE THIS WEIGHT. honestly you all have the ability to do it, its how you follow through. sooooooo KEEP ME POSTED BI1TCHESZZZZ ;-)
  • count me in i need to loss more than that but thats a good start!!
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