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I am a new user of My Fitness Pal, but not to weight loss. I have been trying to lose weight for the past six years of my life. Mind you I am only 19(!), so I feel like my whole life has been revolving around the constant want to lose weight. Especially since I have been through about two years worth of eating disorders. However, I do not feel like I have made any progress throughout my journey. I have honestly been feeling really discouraged recently and I have almost come to the point where I just want to give up. But I still have so many issues with my current weight. My goal this summer is to loose 20 pounds and I have realized that that means that I will have to work out for an hour every day and only eat about 1300 calories. Is this normal or healthy? Are there others that are to my point of discouragement? I could really use some support because I know this is going to be hard.


  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    Before anyone jumps on you - it's lose, not loose.

    Next - an hour workout a day with 1300 calories sounds totally unrealistic. Where did you get that information? Have you put your stats/goals into MFP yet? Are you tracking your intake currently?
  • hey_lena
    hey_lena Posts: 4
    I got that information from here! I put all my information in and that is what myfitnesspal gave me. I have been tracking for the past nine far I have been over every day.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I got that information from here! I put all my information in and that is what myfitnesspal gave me. I have been tracking for the past nine far I have been over every day.

    MFP doesn't tell you how often/much to exercise. You input your exercise goals, that's it.

    It will tell you how much to eat based on how much you weigh now, how active you are and how fast you want to lose. My goal every day is 1380. I've opted to exercise (at least) 20 minutes a day.

    Are you currently exercising? When you say "going over" you mean you're eating over the calorie goal?

    It would really help if you made your diary public - it's hard to judge what's "wrong" without seeing it.

    But pretty much stay under your calorie goal, and stay active.