Foot injury--may need to be in boot for 6 wk--exercise?

I need some advice--I injured my foot over the summer and it has gotten worse. Any kind of exercise that puts pressure on my foot is out of the question. I am seeing a orthopedic sports specialist this week. I fear I may need to be in a boot for 6 to 8 weeks. Has anyone had a similar experience where you were kept from fully engaging in cardio exercise? Any advice on what I can do in the meantime? I plan to ask the doctor on what I can do while I wait for my foot to heal. I had been exercising and eating right and lost 8 pounds in little over a month, but my injury has really hampered my efforts.


  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Stationary bike, swimming, pushups, sit-ups...

    I would really recommend the bike, you can pedal without putting full pressure on your foot, and in a boot it will definitely be something you are able to do.

    Most of all, don't push it, your foot will heal if you give it time, but will haunt you if you don't.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    How about chair aerobics or leg lifts? On YouTube there are several short (8-15 minute) videos by Paul Eugene that are aerobic exercises that you do while seated. I'm sure there are other chair aerobics videos too, but I find him to be fun and entertaining. Good luck!