Success Survey: please answer if you lost a lot of weight


I have a few questions in which I would love some feedback.

When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

1. Your emotional state improve?
2. Your social life change?
3. You feel like a better or different person?
4. You seem happier?
5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?

6. What was the biggest change in your life?



  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? -- Yes and no, after losing an extreme amount of weight you are left trying to figure out who this new person is that you have become. Im still trying to figure it out.
    2. Your social life change? -- Not really, I am way more confident and not as nervous as I used to be.
    3. You feel like a better or different person? -- Completely different, the old me is long gone. I feel much better than I ever have
    4. You seem happier? -- Yes. I'm not a miserable self hating person anymore..
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? -- I sometimes feel the same and don't recognize the person in the mirror.
    6. What was the biggest change in your life - I don't feel like I could die everyday anymore. But I have a LONG list of changes some of them are

    Clothes - from a size 56 pants to 36
    Shoes - From a size 11 w to a 10 regular
    Fitness - I can do ANYTHING i put my mind to
    Sober - I am 100% have been for almost 2 years now
    Diabetic - I once was, now I am maintaining without drugs
    Hygiene - not going to go here.. lets just say its a change
    Confidence - Yup

    My list could go on forever.
  • mdove3411
    mdove3411 Posts: 121 Member
    In for responses :)
  • TurquoiseStar
    1. Your emotional state improve? -- Yes and no, after losing an extreme amount of weight you are left trying to figure out who this new person is that you have become. Im still trying to figure it out.
    2. Your social life change? -- Not really, I am way more confident and not as nervous as I used to be.
    3. You feel like a better or different person? -- Completely different, the old me is long gone. I feel much better than I ever have
    4. You seem happier? -- Yes. I'm not a miserable self hating person anymore..
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? -- I sometimes feel the same and don't recognize the person in the mirror.
    6. What was the biggest change in your life - I don't feel like I could die everyday anymore. But I have a LONG list of changes some of them are

    Clothes - from a size 56 pants to 36
    Shoes - From a size 11 w to a 10 regular
    Fitness - I can do ANYTHING i put my mind to
    Sober - I am 100% have been for almost 2 years now
    Diabetic - I once was, now I am maintaining without drugs
    Hygiene - not going to go here.. lets just say its a change
    Confidence - Yup

    My list could go on forever.

    Congratulations! You have accomplished some amazing things. I am in awe of your success! Thanks for sharing!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve?

    a bit, yes. My generalized anxiety disorder is much easier to manage and I have a lower stress level in general. I attribute that more to other positive changes in my life though, not just weight loss. Since my highest weight, a LOT has changed in my life including that I have a new job and a new husband!

    2. Your social life change?

    not really. I do notice women in my peer group seem much more interested in me. I've never had trouble striking up conversations casually but I see markedly increased interest there (i.e., asking me to hang out, friending me on social networking sites, etc)

    3. You feel like a better or different person?

    not exactly. I do feel different but not that dramatically. Mostly I just feel "normal" like I fit into the world much better, even though I am still overweight I seem to be an average sized adult for all intents & purposes.

    4. You seem happier?

    Generally yes. Again a lot of this is positive changes in other areas of my life, though!

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?

    Somewhat yes. I still have the same overall body shape although a LOT has changed with my loss of 120 lb, so I often forget how much smaller I am now.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?

    Getting remarried.

    (Haven't yet reached my goal of approx. 170 lb but I have lost a lot from HW 307...CW 184)
  • TurquoiseStar

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve?

    a bit, yes. My generalized anxiety disorder is much easier to manage and I have a lower stress level in general. I attribute that more to other positive changes in my life though, not just weight loss. Since my highest weight, a LOT has changed in my life including that I have a new job and a new husband!

    2. Your social life change?

    not really. I do notice women in my peer group seem much more interested in me. I've never had trouble striking up conversations casually but I see markedly increased interest there (i.e., asking me to hang out, friending me on social networking sites, etc)

    3. You feel like a better or different person?

    not exactly. I do feel different but not that dramatically. Mostly I just feel "normal" like I fit into the world much better, even though I am still overweight I seem to be an average sized adult for all intents & purposes.

    4. You seem happier?

    Generally yes. Again a lot of this is positive changes in other areas of my life, though!

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?

    Somewhat yes. I still have the same overall body shape although a LOT has changed with my loss of 120 lb, so I often forget how much smaller I am now.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?

    Getting remarried.

    (Haven't yet reached my goal of approx. 170 lb but I have lost a lot from HW 307...CW 184)

    Wow! Amazing progress thus far. I have heard that when we lose weight we keep our same body shape but we decrease in size. Very interesting. Thank you so much for your responses!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I have a few questions in which I would love some feedback.

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve? Yes, I was having a lot of serious medical conditions and now that I've lost a lot of weight, most of those have improved, which has taken off a lot of stress. Plus it helps with the confidence level, still have more to go, but I get better everyday

    2. Your social life change? Not really, I am probably a bit more interactive in social settings now that I have more confidence.

    3. You feel like a better or different person? I feel like a stronger person, so not so much better but definitely different. I know now I can do anything that I truly want as long as I'm willing to do the work

    4. You seem happier? Yes confidence and better health has made me much happier

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? I see myself as a strong woman that will achieve whatever I set my mind too

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?

    Went from every other month week long hospital stays, to just 1 in 15 months.
    Taken off over half of my prescriptions
    Went from not being able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time, to being able to lift, run and bike
    Clothes - Size 24/26 to 12/14
    Confidence through the roof now!

    Tons of changes but those are a few highlights
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? Yes
    2. Your social life change? Not really a "social" person
    3. You feel like a better or different person? No, I am still the same person I always have been
    4. You seem happier? Yes
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? No
    6. What was the biggest change in your life? I have so much more energy than I used to
  • jh270593
    jh270593 Posts: 33 Member
    I have lost about 45lbs.. Don't know if that's classed as a lot??

    1. My weight loss was started after a break up so at the time was very emotional and unhappy... I now feel a lot more relaxed and chilled out, is this also down to getting over the break up? Probably.. But I never would have lost weight if I had never been through the break up

    2. Yes and no.. I rarely used to want to go out (nights out) as I didn't feel comfortable in my clothes but now I get complimented and feel a lot more confident in how I look when I go out! Saying this though, my social life in terms of day to day hasn't really changed apart from I enjoy getting ready and actually goin out now whereas I would stress about how fat I looked and what to wear beforehand

    3. I feel like a 100% better person now as I am more confident and I am enjoying life. I love being fitter and I am different in terms of, I used to do anything to avoid exercising. Now I absolutely love it and love the feeling after doing a really tough gym session and the aches and pains that go with it, I feel like I have achieved something

    4. Yes I used to hate the way I felt and looked

    5. Yes I knew I was overweight but chose to ignore it, I would attempt for about a month to lose weight and give up. I would even get the odd harsh remark off my mum/dad which would really upset me but I still ignored it!

    6. The biggest change in my life was realising that is was me in control of my life, No one else, I can make the decisions and I can dictate how it all pans out

    I am 142 lbs at 5ft 9. Approx 22.25% body far

    Before I was 184lbs
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve?

    a bit, yes. My generalized anxiety disorder is much easier to manage and I have a lower stress level in general. I attribute that more to other positive changes in my life though, not just weight loss. Since my highest weight, a LOT has changed in my life including that I have a new job and a new husband!

    2. Your social life change?

    not really. I do notice women in my peer group seem much more interested in me. I've never had trouble striking up conversations casually but I see markedly increased interest there (i.e., asking me to hang out, friending me on social networking sites, etc)

    3. You feel like a better or different person?

    not exactly. I do feel different but not that dramatically. Mostly I just feel "normal" like I fit into the world much better, even though I am still overweight I seem to be an average sized adult for all intents & purposes.

    4. You seem happier?

    Generally yes. Again a lot of this is positive changes in other areas of my life, though!

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?

    Somewhat yes. I still have the same overall body shape although a LOT has changed with my loss of 120 lb, so I often forget how much smaller I am now.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?

    Getting remarried.

    (Haven't yet reached my goal of approx. 170 lb but I have lost a lot from HW 307...CW 184)

    Wow! Amazing progress thus far. I have heard that when we lose weight we keep our same body shape but we decrease in size. Very interesting. Thank you so much for your responses!

    Thanks very much!

    Oh...and actually a lot of people on here do TOTALLY change their body shape, often through weightlifting and other hardcore exercise. So if that appeals to you, don't lose hope. I just wasn't that motivated, and I am okay with my body shape!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I don't know if 30 pounds counts as a lot of weight. It is a lot of weight for me, starting at 167 lbs and moving down to 135-ish.

    1. Your emotional state improve? I wasn't in a particularly bad emotional state before the weight loss besides being unhappy with my body. I wanted to be thinner and healthier and wear clothes that looked cute on leaner girls but not on me. I think I am in a worse state now in some ways. I have to be careful not to grow completely obsessive about the numbers and calories and all that. It is really frustrating to one minute be so happy with my success and then the next feel like I am still not to the ideal I had envisioned. We are our own worse critics.

    2. Your social life change? My social life is deader than ever. But it is mostly because I recently moved across the country and have not made many new friends yet. I do get out more though.

    3. You feel like a better or different person? I don't feel like a different person, but I look like one. Also I enjoy shopping a LOT more now that I have in the past lol.

    4. You seem happier? Yeah, I think I am happier now :)

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? Sometimes. I have to look at my before pictures sometimes to remind myself that my body has indeed changed for the better. It is sometimes hard to tell without those photos and old clothes to remind me of the drastic change I have made.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life? I think the biggest change in my life (and this may be a bit of a TMI) is my sex life. It was good before, now it is phenomenal. On the non TMI side of things, my self esteem has greatly improved (which probably has something to do with the TMI part of this post) lol
  • teaspoonz
    teaspoonz Posts: 8 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? -- Yes , though I keep feeling like i'm a totally different person, I look down at my waist and still get shocked that I'm looking at myself.
    2. Your social life change? -- No, I have few close friends and those around me are not concerned with weight.
    3. You feel like a better or different person? -- Not sure, I'm concerned I may be getting a bit selfish in wanting to do execise instead of "socialize" on the couch
    4. You seem happier? -- Yes. I'm not disgusted and ashamed of how big I am anymore.
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? -- I feel totally different and feel weird that i'm starting to get vain and like what I see.
    6. What was the biggest change in your life - I no longer puff going up stairs. I choose to walk to places that I used to drive to, I look at food and workout how many calories it likely has. Other things that have changed are..

    Clothes - Was at the last notch in my belt - has 5 inch-space holes. Am now slim enough to need a new belt I think that is from 38 to 32
    Fitness - Am now able to do Interval running/walking most days , before I did none. Have set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. Now am able to do pushups also.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    1. A very little bit.
    2. No.
    3. No.
    4. A little.
    5. No.
    6. I spend too long admiring myself in various levels of undress in front of the mirror.
  • TurquoiseStar
    I have a few questions in which I would love some feedback.

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve? Yes, I was having a lot of serious medical conditions and now that I've lost a lot of weight, most of those have improved, which has taken off a lot of stress. Plus it helps with the confidence level, still have more to go, but I get better everyday

    2. Your social life change? Not really, I am probably a bit more interactive in social settings now that I have more confidence.

    3. You feel like a better or different person? I feel like a stronger person, so not so much better but definitely different. I know now I can do anything that I truly want as long as I'm willing to do the work

    4. You seem happier? Yes confidence and better health has made me much happier

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? I see myself as a strong woman that will achieve whatever I set my mind too

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?

    Went from every other month week long hospital stays, to just 1 in 15 months.
    Taken off over half of my prescriptions
    Went from not being able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time, to being able to lift, run and bike
    Clothes - Size 24/26 to 12/14
    Confidence through the roof now!

    Tons of changes but those are a few highlights

    Good for you!!!! Wow! Lots of positives here! Confidence, health, good for you!
  • TurquoiseStar
    I have lost about 45lbs.. Don't know if that's classed as a lot??

    1. My weight loss was started after a break up so at the time was very emotional and unhappy... I now feel a lot more relaxed and chilled out, is this also down to getting over the break up? Probably.. But I never would have lost weight if I had never been through the break up

    2. Yes and no.. I rarely used to want to go out (nights out) as I didn't feel comfortable in my clothes but now I get complimented and feel a lot more confident in how I look when I go out! Saying this though, my social life in terms of day to day hasn't really changed apart from I enjoy getting ready and actually goin out now whereas I would stress about how fat I looked and what to wear beforehand

    3. I feel like a 100% better person now as I am more confident and I am enjoying life. I love being fitter and I am different in terms of, I used to do anything to avoid exercising. Now I absolutely love it and love the feeling after doing a really tough gym session and the aches and pains that go with it, I feel like I have achieved something

    4. Yes I used to hate the way I felt and looked

    5. Yes I knew I was overweight but chose to ignore it, I would attempt for about a month to lose weight and give up. I would even get the odd harsh remark off my mum/dad which would really upset me but I still ignored it!

    6. The biggest change in my life was realising that is was me in control of my life, No one else, I can make the decisions and I can dictate how it all pans out

    I am 142 lbs at 5ft 9. Approx 22.25% body far

    Before I was 184lbs

    48 is a lot to me!!!!!! Congratulations! !!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? I think so? Wasn't really emotionally messed up I don't think though
    2. Your social life change? Of course. Having more confidence and being fitter makes it easier to try new things, which means you meet new people. This is probably the best part about getting fit in my opinion
    3. You feel like a better or different person? I actually feel like I should have always felt the way I feel now. I look back and hate the person I was.
    4. You seem happier? No brainer, of coure
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? pretty much. I just see a fitter, better version of myself

    6. What was the biggest change in your life? There are literally too many positives to list. They go on an on. On a very basic level, I love that everything I tries on fits and looks good. Where I used to have to try on 5 pair of jeans to find one, now I try on 5 and pick my 2 favorites.

    On a different note, I found out that I really loved cycling so that has changed my life. It's easy to exercise when you love what you are doing.
  • wannaBrunnner81
    wannaBrunnner81 Posts: 107 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? Generally i am a lot happier. I dont fret about my weight or the health issues that were creeping up on me, so i have room in my brain to worry about other stuff lol.

    2. Your social life change? No real changes here but i do get out more and run and hike (and ski in the winter) so i see more people on my days off, where as before i tended to just stay inside or go fishing by myself)

    3. You feel like a better or different person? I dont feel like a better person, deep down i was always an okay person and that hasnt changed, but I feel different and my very small social circle is a little different now too, i hang with other parents and then runners or hikers now)

    4. You seem happier? yes i am definitely happier overall

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? Not sure what this means....but i see myself now as the person i should be, the person that i wasnt allowing myself to be

    6. What was the biggest change in your life? My overall health
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member

    I have a few questions in which I would love some feedback.

    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve?
    2. Your social life change?
    3. You feel like a better or different person?
    4. You seem happier?
    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?


    1 - Yeah for sure, much more confidence and I always used to think people were looking or talking about me before I lost the weight.

    2 - Changed massively, all a confidence thing, used to avoid going out but now I enjoy it.

    3 - I don't feel like I have changed, I would say enhanced ... The person I was is still the person I am, just less skin and more personality.

    4 - Much happier.

    5 - Yeah, I remember how I looked to how I look and feel and it is a good reminder to keep in shape but never change who I am.

    6 - Confidence, 100%.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? In some ways. Related to my body image, probably. Although now I'm struggling with coming to terms with my loose skin. :/ I'm happier with my increased physical ability, for sure.

    2. Your social life change? I have much less of a social life now, but that's because I've been a student for most of the time I've been losing weight and haven't had the time.

    3. You feel like a better or different person? Better, no. Different, sort of. I can't imagine being at my starting weight now, but in a lot of ways, I feel exactly the same as I did then.

    4. You seem happier? Again, in some ways. Body-image-related? Yes, I am happier.

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? Do you mean *do* I see myself the same as I did before losing weight? In a lot of ways, yes. I still identify as "fat", even though I'm the size of the average woman in Britain.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life? Increased physical ability.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    1. Your emotional state improve? To some degree.:smile:

    2. Your social life change? Yes, before I really never wanted to go out, now that I feel better about myself I love going out. :happy:

    3. You feel like a better or different person? Yes.

    4. You seem happier? Yeppers.

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight? Just a smaller version of myself.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life? I can do sooo much more now then when I was over weight and love it, never out of breath, my heart issues improved majorly, to many to list!!! :drinker:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    When you reached your goal weight or lost a good amount did:

    1. Your emotional state improve?
    - No, it got slightly worse.

    2. Your social life change?
    - No

    3. You feel like a better or different person?
    - No

    4. You seem happier?
    - No. My depression has gotten a more suicidal bent.

    5. Did you see yourself as the way you did before losing weight?
    - Yes, aside from the increase in my depression.

    6. What was the biggest change in your life?
    - I can buy cheaper clothes at nearly any store.
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