New Mom looking for motivation!

fullofsmiles04 Posts: 158 Member
Hi Everyone! I'm Katie. After taking a break from MFP while I was pregnant, I'm back! I'm a first time mom and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a month ago. Now I am really in desperate need of some supportive friends who can help motivate me to get back to where I was. When I started using MFP, I quickly fell in love! I went on to lose 40lbs. I was determined to become healthy once and for all and I felt the best I felt in years. What happened? I got pregnant. And gained 45lbs. I'm 4 weeks postpartum and I have lost 20lbs, which is great and I should feel happy...but I don't. All of the confidence I had gained after losing the weight has been lost. And then some. I feel like I'm right back where I was. And with this whole baby pouch thing going on, I feel like I look worse than ever! I'm not looking to drop all of my baby weight overnight, but more importantly I am ready to start making more healthy choices again so I can feel better about myself and get back to where I was. Coming back to MFP will help me do that but some new friends who can be encouraging and motivational will help even more. Feel free to introduce yourself or send me a message if you think you can help me!! :) Looking forward to hearing from you guys!


  • RibStabsHeart
    RibStabsHeart Posts: 71 Member
    Losing about half of your total weight after 1 month is a great accomplishment, you have to be proud of that! Plus, when you consider that the only calories you could actually burn for the first couple weeks after everything you went through were from breast feeding, the other 20 pounds should fall off if you keep moving and eating sensibly for you and your little one :)

    Don't sweat it -- you've got it!
  • fullofsmiles04
    fullofsmiles04 Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words!!! I've been SO anxious to start working out again. Since I had a c-section, I still have a few more weeks to go before I can do any kind of strength training but the cardio for now is a good start. Your right....I do got this!! :):)
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    is only been 4 weeks. Chill out. 9 months on, 9 months off. I know it sucks. I also had a C section, and I gained about 70 lbs- at 35. If I could shape back up, anyone can. But no need to kill yourself at only 4 weeks.
  • thejen75
    thejen75 Posts: 90
    Hi there! I was in the same boat as you. AM in the same boat! I'm a mother to a daughter as well, she's 7 months old now, and I had faithfully used this website to lose 40 lbs, too! Then I got pregnant as well, and now I'm counting my calories again and finally starting to see the results I want! You can do it!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi Katie, I am Sarah. I am a mother of 2. My son is 4 and my daughter is 2. I have lost about 75lbs in the past year with the help of MFP and a great support group on facebook. I follow a high protein and low complex carb diet and exercise regularly. I am always looking for new friends to add. Send me a request I would love to help you out.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    here is a link for you to start with, this is a 6 part series, find the next 5 after... i personally like series part 6

    subscribe if you like their videos....
  • iamdee28
    iamdee28 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there my daughter is 5 month old (3rd baby) and I am just starting to try my luck at weight lose. I have about 15kg to loose but still feel like I cant run in fear of a prolapse. I only loose weight running no matter what I do with my eating etc so its very disheartening not to be able to start running again.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there my daughter is 5 month old (3rd baby) and I am just starting to try my luck at weight lose. I have about 15kg to loose but still feel like I cant run in fear of a prolapse. I only loose weight running no matter what I do with my eating etc so its very disheartening not to be able to start running again.

    running is one way out of a million way to lose fat... you can power walk in an incline treadmill and still lose fat... here is a little inspiration for you, follow this guy if you have IG...

  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi there, I could have written your post myself except that I just had my 2nd two weeks ago. W my first, I left the weight loss for 3 years!!!! I will not make that mistake again. I really missed exercise during my pregnancy (though I walked and swam) and I cant wait to be given the clear in a few weeks to start again. Also I find parenting so much easier 2nd time around, so I think I will be able to add exercise to my schedule much better. I will send u a friend request. Xxx, Melitta