Need Some Active Friends

einzig Posts: 12 Member
Hey guys. I'm jumping back on the bandwagon of losing weight...hoping to ultimately lose 100 - 120 lbs, but my goal for this year is to lose 15% of my body fat (41.1 lbs). I live with my best friend and she is working out with me, but I'd like to have some friends on here so I can get encouragement, from others, and see other's people working out and rocking it. I want to lose weight to be healthy, because I am extremely overweight (according to the BMI chart by 140 - 160 lbs) but honestly I'd be happy if I felt better, not looked better.

Please feel free to add me as a friend! I love to see people who are on for multiple days in a row, and on top of this. IT makes me feel competitive to beat you :P