Weight lifting glove reviews



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    If you're getting callouses, you're doing it wrong.

    Curious why you say this?
  • KatMarieLivinG
    KatMarieLivinG Posts: 42 Member
    Never found any that don't suck. I'm sure Ronnie Coleman's don't I've never found something.

    I know what Crossfit style means, just not how that can be encompassed in a glove?

    They are just for the mid part of your hand. They are promoted as gloves for crossfit. They have two types. One for heavy lifting that you need lots of grip and the other type allows for some rotation for doing kettle bell swings and stuff like that. I just ordered them. I have no idea how well they will work or if they are any better then any other glove.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I have soft hands and need the gloves to avoid blisters, but I just use the cheapest suede and velcro gloves I could find. I've had the same pair for years and they've held up very well. I don't even recall where I got them.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    As long as they match your purse, you should be fine.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you're getting callouses, you're doing it wrong.

    ^^^^ this

    Mark Rippetoe has a video on you tube that shows how to grip the bar to prevent callous development. I'd recommend it to anyone who lifts.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I don't use them. I figure when I'm lifting things in real life or playing with my kids I don't have them. I want to toughen up my hands and improve grip strength for real life, not just protect them at the gym. I used to use gloves and I find it's better without.

    i used to use them, and found that my grip was a huge weakness when it came to heavier pull exercises. since retiring my gloves my grip has greatly improved and allows for those last couple reps that poor grip would prohibit me from before.

    gonna check out the video mentioned for preventing callous development. while i find them helpful at times, my wife hates them and is growing tired of over-exfoliated boobs.
  • random_user75
    random_user75 Posts: 157 Member
    If you're getting callouses, you're doing it wrong.

    ^^^^ this

    Mark Rippetoe has a video on you tube that shows how to grip the bar to prevent callous development. I'd recommend it to anyone who lifts.

    I'll have to dig this up. I recently started getting callouses as I increased weight but didn't find it surprising. I figured, if I have a callous just from wearing a wedding ring or using a chef's knife (I cook for fun, not for work), why not weights? That said, I can easily believe there's something off with my grip, what with my fabulous newbieness.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I was using some Under Armour unpadded gloves for a while, more to avoid germs. I stopped wearing the gloves because I sweat a lot and the gloves weren't drying out between workouts. I use straps for any heavy pulling exercise, otherwise my grip fails before I finish working the intended body part. I prefer leather straps. I recently purchased some cloth straps with neoprene wrist cushions and those are working well.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If you're getting callouses, you're doing it wrong.

    ^^^^ this

    Mark Rippetoe has a video on you tube that shows how to grip the bar to prevent callous development. I'd recommend it to anyone who lifts.

    I'll have to dig this up. I recently started getting callouses as I increased weight but didn't find it surprising. I figured, if I have a callous just from wearing a wedding ring or using a chef's knife (I cook for fun, not for work), why not weights? That said, I can easily believe there's something off with my grip, what with my fabulous newbieness.


    There's also one on managing callouses, you can youtube that yourself.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    In my expert opinion..........................oh wait. ha ha
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I was using some Under Armour unpadded gloves for a while, more to avoid germs. I stopped wearing the gloves because I sweat a lot and the gloves weren't drying out between workouts. I use straps for any heavy pulling exercise, otherwise my grip fails before I finish working the intended body part. I prefer leather straps. I recently purchased some cloth straps with neoprene wrist cushions and those are working well.

    Just develop your grip. Having strong hands is convenient anyway.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    I used to use gloves but I could never find a pair that wouldn't rip after the first washing. So for the past few months I don't use them. Yes, there are some exercises that I do where I wish I had them because they really help stop the slip when lifting heavy. With that said I did just buy a pair of Versa Gripps Pro weight lifting strap hooks for when I want to go up in weight but know it's going to be too much without straps.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I use Bionic gloves for ladies; I have very small hands so men's gloves are too loose for me. I don't like calluses and the gloves actually improved my grip. I have OA in the dumb/wrist joint so the palm of my hands is not flat and the padding in the gloves helps a lot, but I still have to use wrist straps to keep the wrist firm and protected.
  • RatherBeFishing
    RatherBeFishing Posts: 61 Member
    Found this on the web:
    Gloves Kill Grip Strength – thicker bars are harder to grip. Gloves add inches to the bar which will kill your grip strength on pulling exercises like Deadlifts, Rows or Pullups. And if you can’t hold it, you can’t lift it.

    They don't weaken your grip they make it harder to grip the bar. Making it harder doesn't mean it weakens your hands.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    If you're getting callouses, you're doing it wrong.

    ^^^^ this

    Mark Rippetoe has a video on you tube that shows how to grip the bar to prevent callous development. I'd recommend it to anyone who lifts.
    I do what he says, with the result that I get callouses on my fingers instead of my palms. I'm still using an overhand grip and I haven't managed to eliminate bar movement totally. But the kicker is that weight lifting gloves wouldn't prevent those callouses anyway! Chalk all the way for me.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I wore gloves for a long time, but my hands would swell, and they would become uncomfortably tight. If I got a pair that was looser, it destroyed my grip. It didn't seem to matter which brand, either.

    I've been lifting for a while now without gloves. I massage my hands after a workout, right across the fold, and I don't seem to be developing a lot in the way of callouses. I am really red across my hands for a few hours after lifting, but massage seems to work for me. That and gripping the bar so nothing feels pinched. If I feel a pinch, I reset.

    OP, I have nothing against gloves and there are plenty of people in my gym who use them. If they fit you well and you don't lose circulation or grip ability/strength, then go for it. Every hand is different, and people are going to like different brands based on how their hands are shaped. The only truthful advice I could give is you're going to have to go through a few pair to figure out which ones you like.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Ya I don't really get the gloves make your grip weaker thing, I can see how using a wrap would obviously not allow your grip to strengthen but not gloves. Can someone explain the logic behind the theory of how gloves weaken your grip i.e. stop your grip from getting stronger?

    I wear gloves for all my lifts except the heaviest of deadlifts and rope climbing. On the bodybuilding forum those against gloves seem to be of the troglodyte variety giving reasons like "they aren't manly" etc
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I personally haven't tried gloves...

    trying to stay away from them but just cause I hate wearing anything on my hands. Even in a cold January in Canada I hate wearing gloves...hands feel icky.

    I use chalk now...recent development. I like it (but I am at my home so I don't care about the mess)

    I have callouses on my hands and work in a business environment but everyone knows I lift so I guess they expect it.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I use chalk now...recent development. I like it (but I am at my home so I don't care about the mess)

    Try liquid chalk. Almost no mess (except it grinding off your hands onto the bar).