Confidence When You Hit Your Goal Weight

arijo7 Posts: 35 Member
I'm looking for people's experiences when hitting their goal weight. Do you feel more confident than you used to? Are you happy with the way you look? I'm curious to hear what other people say. I've lost 25 pounds, and my goal is to lose 50, so I'm halfway there. When I look in the mirror, I can see the difference and I'm happy. But just walking around through every day life, I feel exactly the same as I did 25 pounds heavier, and I feel insecure. How did losing weight affect your confidence?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    So I'm not at my goal weight yet but I have lost 100lbs. I can safely say that weight loss in and of itself does not make a person confident. Confidence really comes from doing things you didn't think you could do. I'm more confident now than I was 100 lbs ago but it's not because of the weight loss, it's because I stuck to it no matter how hard it got. I'm more confident because I trained for, and ran, several road races (including a half marathon). I'm more confident now because I climbed the CN Tower and I'm more confident now because I know I have something to offer others.

    The confidence came not from the scale but in doing things I didn't know I was capable of. I didn't know I was capable of losing 100lbs but I did (okay, so you CAN gain SOME confidence from weight loss). I didn't know I could WALK 5k let alone RUN 5k (I even trained for a 30k race but sprained my toe a week beforehand but I have more confidence now because I KNOW I could run 30k again if I wanted to). I didn't know I could climb up over 1,700 stairs in one go. I honestly didn't know I had something to offer others until they started asking me for advice.

    Does that make sense? I didn't begin to become more confident in myself until I lost well over 50lbs because, until that point, I wasn't really going out of my comfort zone to do things that stretched my limits or made me uncomfortable. Confidence comes from the INSIDE, not from the outside. If you want to gain confidence, start stretching yourself a little bit each day. Tell yourself that you'll do one thing a day (or perhaps week) that will get you out of your comfort zone. Each time you do this your confidence in yourself will get higher and higher! :D

    Feel free to friend me as I never get notifications when people respond to MY responses! :)