Is "wheat belly" really a thing?

It seems like everyone's on the gluten-free bandwagon these days. I came across this article ( talking about something called "wheat belly" and wondered if wheat is really that bad for you or if this guy is just trying to sell his book. Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with going gluten-free you'd be willing to share? Thanks!


  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Not real.
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    in for gifs!!!!!!!!

    not real....
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If you don't have symptoms then I wouldn't be concerned. If you do have symptoms see your doctor.

    I've got health issues. My doctor didn't think I had gluten issues but I just wanted to be sure so I did an elimination diet. There was no difference for me.

    There've been a couple of recent studies that found no evidence of gluten sensitivity in those who self-diagnosed. Here's one of them:
  • kcholsop
    kcholsop Posts: 6
    Not real. This gluten fad is just a way for companies to make money on their products. Also, folks who claim to be allergic to gluten, or gluten messes with their bodies, is completly false. A study recently came out on Fox News that proves gluten does not affect the human body. People's minds cause this gluten fad. Gluten does not cause any negative problems. It's all in their mind.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Follow the money
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You guys are crazy. Wheat belly is really a thing.

    And Dr. Oz is the pinnacle of nutritional information.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Not real. This gluten fad is just a way for companies to make money on their products. Also, folks who claim to be allergic to gluten, or gluten messes with their bodies, is completly false. A study recently came out on Fox News that proves gluten does not affect the human body. People's minds cause this gluten fad. Gluten does not cause any negative problems. It's all in their mind.

    There are people who have celiacs and people who have wheat allergies.

    As for non-celiac gluten sensitivity, one study can't prove that it exists and one study doesn't prove that it doesn't. However, it's existence is definitely more up for debate due to that study (which is the one I linked above) than it was before. But, small sample size (37) and not yet replicated, so we'll see.
  • kcholsop
    kcholsop Posts: 6
    Doctors can be wrong. Dr. Oz isn't god.
  • danireis
    danireis Posts: 4 Member
    Celiac disease is COMPLETELY different from the "gluten fad." The gluten fad, is coming from people who think they have an intolerance to gluten and eliminate it without going through the procedure with their doctors. Celiac disease is an auto immune disease which your body cannot handle gluten. It actually shortens your life to continue to eat it in any amount higher than 20ppm. For these people, and ONLY these people, it really is worth cutting out gluten.
  • kid_amy
    kid_amy Posts: 10
    If you don't have symptoms then I wouldn't be concerned. If you do have symptoms see your doctor.

    I've got health issues. My doctor didn't think I had gluten issues but I just wanted to be sure so I did an elimination diet. There was no difference for me.

    There've been a couple of recent studies that found no evidence of gluten sensitivity in those who self-diagnosed. Here's one of them:

    Thanks for the info/links!
  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    I am not a nutritionist neither a doctor. I work at a high end restaurant/resort where every 3rd guest request gluten free items.
    Very rarely I come across someone who is REALLY sensitive of gluten. People who have serious OTHER health issues like celiac disease
    gluten can cause allergy like symptons. Again,they usually bring doctors notes or send emails month before they arrive to the hotel and make reservations with managers ,speak to chefs . They require to have all equipment to be wheat free and to ensure cleanliness of equipment.
    Now,the fake gluten people don't ask to have food to be handled separete from other food. They do not ask if we use shared equipment.
    I spoken to some people ,they said when they eat bread,pasta now they really do puff up,and before they started their gluten free diet they did not have these issues.. I guess we will find out in 5 years or so...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Celiac disease is COMPLETELY different from the "gluten fad." The gluten fad, is coming from people who think they have an intolerance to gluten and eliminate it without going through the procedure with their doctors. Celiac disease is an auto immune disease which your body cannot handle gluten. It actually shortens your life to continue to eat it in any amount higher than 20ppm. For these people, and ONLY these people, it really is worth cutting out gluten.

    I agree that it's completely different. I was just clarifying the "the idea that gluten messes with their bodies is completely false" by pointing out that there are people who have legit issues with gluten.

    That's not the same as non-celiacs gluten sensitivity, but it is a very real medical condition in which gluten "messes" with people's bodies. Same for wheat allergies.

    For the average person who doesn't have symptoms of celiacs/wheat allergy, there's no reason to be concerned about gluten.
  • MissTea3112
    MissTea3112 Posts: 12 Member
    Apparently a study with 37 people proved that gluten may not be the problem for most people, but FODMAP foods (fermentable, short-chain carbohydrates) may be. Coincidently wheat is a food that most people associate with gluten sensitivity and one that is on the list for foods to avoid on a low FODMAP diet. Also gluten free foods are recommended for those same people.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    The book is complete BS, with studies quoted out of context and manipulated to a ridiculous extent.
  • MismatchedAlmonds
    MismatchedAlmonds Posts: 90 Member
    Gluten isn't harmful unless you have Celiacs--an (autoimmune?) disease that makes you sick with flu-like symptoms whenever you have gluten. They just came out with new research debunking the usefulness of gluten-free living if you are otherwise healthy.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Dr Oz, isn't god. Oprah and Jerry Springer are! I never had issues. Am I a freak? Eat wheat daily!