Hello :-) New to MFP

Hi MFPers! I'm Jamie, and I'm new to this site. I have a history of anorexia and bulimia. I'm in recovery, but after years of beating my metabolism and body up with the eating disorder, it finally caught up with me.

In the past 2 1/2-3 years, I started to struggle with binging-it's been explained to me that my body doesn't trust me yet-it's finally getting fed relatively consistently, but it's still afraid that there will be a famine again.....so in addition to hanging onto weight like there is no tomorrow, I've started to crave things that are high in fat, sugar and carbohydrates insanely. I used to have a problem with overexercise, and three years ago, had to take a break from the gym entirely. The binging combined with the lack of exercise and my beaten up metabolism caused a huge weight gain in a relatively short amount of time...a little over a 100 pounds in 3 years.

I'm now at a higher weight then I've ever been at in my life. It's hard, given my history, but I refuse to starve, purge or overexercise to lose this weight (about 110 pounds...eek!). I want my body to find a weight that is normal and comfortable for me, and I want to do it in a way that is healthy. I want to be fit and strong. I want to heal my body and my metabolism.

I've started working out three times a week with a trainer. My goal is to eventually incorporate yoga as well, and to do that 2-3 times a week in addition. This is the first time in several years that I've done any kind of intentional physical activity, and it's hard but feels great!

I'm also going to start working with a nutritionist, and will be logging on to MFP for support and motivation.

Feel free to add me as a friend-I'd love to start getting to know all of you!
