Question about the scale.....

Hello all :-)

I'm new here. I have an eating disorder history. In recovery, I gained much more weight than I needed to, and ended up with about 100 extra pounds.

Weighing myself isn't something that is healthy for me, or good for my recovery. When I weigh myself, it never ends well. My nutritionist will be the one weighing me, and I'll know the trend (up or down), but I won't know numbers. I'm struggling with this, because I feel like I'd like to at least know how much I've lost........

Is there anyone here who has struggled with something similar, or who is having their doctor or nutritionist monitor their weight for them? If so, if anyone has any advice for me as to how to handle this, I would really appreciate it :-)


  • BlackDaisy85
    BlackDaisy85 Posts: 151 Member
    i used to have negative effects from weighing myself. if id lost weight, id reward myself, if i hadn't i just put myself into a slump and eat more. However, after hard work and a lot of encouragement from my loved ones, watching the scale go up is now just a sign i need to work harder or make a change. often its not my fault, but when i recognize it may just be a temporary stall, i don't lose faith. if the scale goes down, i pat myself not he back but tell myself i still have a ways to go and its not time to reward myself. i find its a lot easier for me this way and now i prefer weighing myself everyday. i have started to love the feeling of hunger because its an indication i haven't overeaten. its all really psychological and you really need to work hard on the head games weight loss plays.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    The scale can be the devil. Try measuring yourself once a month, that's really whats more important than a number on the scale. People will see inches gone, not the number on the scale. :) Don't love the feeling of hunger, that's not part of a healthy weightloss plan. If you're hungry, reach for a piece of fruit with a bit of peanut butter, or some greek yogurt (80 or so calories). In the begining of my weightloss journey, I would be hungry because I still ate white bread (high calorie) and a bunch of other unhealthy foods. Now, I eat about every 2-3 hours..No joke. And I stay within my calorie goal (1400 at the moment). Every time your nutritionist says you've lost weight, reward yourself with a manicure, everytime you lose inches, reward yourself with some new clothes. Losing weight can be a serious head game....I can't imagine how it is with some with a eating disorder. Good luck to you, and focus on being will come. :)
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I second the measure yourself idea. You know you have had problems with the scale in the past so it's best to just not worry about it right now. As you lose weight (and maybe with some thearapy) you might develope a better relationship with the scale and at that point you can start keeping track of the number.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Look for Non Scale Victories. Such as setting fitness goals and accomplishing them. (Walking a mile in X time, doing a couch to 5k program, etc.) Pay attention to how your clothes fit. Its awesome when a pair of jeans that were too tight fit, and in time when they get lose: NICE!