What kind of damage does Diet Soda pop do?



  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    For years I drank at least one Diet soda (coke, pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mt dew) per day. read some bad things and gave up all soda about six months ago. Last night I took a sip of my kids Pepsi - it was so sweet and I couldn't imagine drinking it again. I feel better and the water I am drinking has had a positive effect on me.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    What diet soda has Stevia??

    Zevia: http://www.zevia.com/

    You can find them at Whole Foods and a bunch of other "healthy" supermarkets.
  • melissa_tn
    melissa_tn Posts: 37
    you've chosen the wrong place to ask this question, lol! You will get answers ranging from you can eat/drink anything and everything, even if it's cow dung, and as long as you stay in your caloric goal range you're good, to the so-named "fear mongers" saying it's not good for you. Do some legitimate research and form your own educated opinion. There are very few things that are one size fits all, so what's good for the goose isn't always what's good for the gander.

    having said that, I have never liked diet drinks, so put me in the "don't drink it" category I suppose....
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    Anything that my husband uses to clean oil from our driveway is likely not the best thing to drink. Pass me the Fuji water, please!

  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    My family is a big Diet Coke family, so I grew up drinking it daily (or almost daily), even throughout college. Now I have cut down to probably 2x per week. I don't monitor it that closely, but like several other people have said it's about moderation and portion control. Try to swap out most juice / pop drinks for water, since usually they contain a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners. And drink coffee or tea for caffeine. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. Sometimes I will have Diet Coke with dinner.