Plan Questions! poss. PCOS.


I am needing to lose about 70lbs. I went for a check up a couple weeks ago and she said I had some symtoms of PCOS and is pretty sure I have it but I my appt to find out for sure is in a few weeks. I am wanting to start dieting/lifestyle change before my appt so I just want to know if my ideas are safe with that if I do have it.

So my dinner with either plan would be:

Lean protein
Carb ( sweet potato or brown rice)

Almond Milk
All blended into a smoothie

Almond Milk
Blended into smoothie

Snacks for either plan:
Cottage cheese
A serving of fruit

Now my second idea would be for breakfast and lunch to use GNCs Lean Shake 25...1 scoop mixed with 1C. Almond Milk,
Is the Lean Shake 25 good for you though? I want to make sure I stay full.. Any help would be appreciated.

I will be doing cardio 7days a week at least 30mins


  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    Feel free to add me. I got diagnosised with PCOS earlier this year. I still eat whatever I want, but I know some PCOS friends that have better results on a low-carb diet. There are some PCOS groups here and be sure to use the search function to look up old threads.

    If you do end up dx'd as PCOS - remember that you are NOT your diagnosis. Ya know?
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    i was diagnosed in january with pcos also. yesturday was the first day i logged in my diary and today was the first day i weighed myself in FOREVER!!! feel free to add me for the additional support and motivation.
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    i havent heard of that lean shake 25. Let me know how it works for you. I have just been using the carnation instant breakfast. I dont drink it everyday only when it is convenient and i am running late. I add chia seeds to it also. i find that it fills me up until my lunch.