Things That Make You Happy (other than weightloss)



  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    awww this is beautiful guys.
    youve said a lot of mines already but i'll add some

    having crazy laughs, the kind that you cant stop
    kissing my boyfriends back of his neck, its so soft
    lying in a bed with clean sheet on
    crossing the arrivals door and see my family after being away for a long time
    a campfire with good friends around.
    swimming, water in general
    traveling, being in extraordinary places far from home
    hammocks with a book by a lake
    animals, watching them in their own environnement, in nature

    hooo i could get carried away ....
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Hearing my son say "I love you" He does this all the time no matter where we are. We could be grocery shopping, at the park, in the car, laying in bed and out of the blue comes " I love you mommy"

    The smell of rain

    My mom's voice

    My hubby's hugs and cuddles

    The smell of newborn babies

    I beautiful sunny day with the windows down and the radio blasting

    Music and singing with hubby and the kids

    A fresh cup of coffee

    Dirty face kisses from my nephew

    Climbing into bed and relaxing

    Cuddling with my son " I just need cuddles mommy"

    Spending time with friends

    Pink Roses and Cala Lillies

    A big Icecream cone on a hot day

    I could go on forever lol These are a few of my favourite things :bigsmile:
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Sunshine (Miami here I come!!)
    My friends and family
    When a cute boy checks me out:blushing:
    Cruising down the road in the summer with my moonroof open and windows WIDE open!
  • sarah0426
    sarah0426 Posts: 26
    my sisters
    hot showers
    hot & sunny weather
    SPORTS!!! playing sports seriously makes my day.. my current obsession is racquetball
    little kids laughing
    reading my bible
    watching football
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member

    A good friend

    my cats....Rowdy, Rosie and Dexter

    outdoors, the lake planting things and watch them flourish

    I would hug a tree but I'm afraid I would kill it:laugh:


    MFP and the progress I am making and all the people on here.

    children make me smile, watching them play. Especially new born babies make me smile.

    Getting dressed up even in new jeans , living in the country it's hard to stay clean.

    All animals , I use to be a wild life rehabilitate
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    My kids:heart:
    The rest of my family
    Being alive
    My car:heart:
    Skating when I can
    A baby's smile or laugh
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
  • chriss1tt
    chriss1tt Posts: 365 Member
    My faith
    My family
    My friends
    Being alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Getting healthy
  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    *1 Nature
    *2 Books
    *3 Music
    *4 Almonds
    *5 Water :happy:
    *6 Walking
    *7 Crosswords
    *8 Sunshine
    *9 A shiny sink
    *10 Men's cologne
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    :heart: My dogs
    :heart: Hiking
    :heart: Snow shoeing
    :heart: S2000 drives with the boys
    :heart: Friends
    :heart: Star gazing with a bottle of wine
    :heart: Dancing
    :heart: Hugs & kisses
    :heart: Sunshine

    :heart: YOU GUYS !
  • Liana25
    Liana25 Posts: 31
    Things that make me happy...
    My niece and nephew
    Animals particularly dogs
    6-8 Hours of Sleep
    The smell/feel of the air about an hour after a strong rainfall
    Art (not the kind I draw though :tongue: )
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    1) The feel of my 4 year old daughters hand snuggled in mine when we're walking somewhere
    2) Playing in the water with my kids
    3) Puppies and Kittens (lol - not so much dogs and cats though :happy: )
    4) When my 12 year old actually listens . . . very rare occurance!
    5) When gas prices actually go down . . . also very rare!
    6) Riding horses, canoeing, hiking, rafting - being outside in nature away from the city
    7) Accomplishing things that are new or difficult - battling my inherent shyness and winning!!
    8) Girls night out:drinker:
    9) Going out dancing with dh
    10) A good book and a comfy chair on a rainy day - preferably with hot cocoa!
    11) finishing a cross stitch piece and framing it myself
    12) a house filled with the chatter and laughter of good friends and family
    13) walking around the lake at sunset
    14) camping - frying fresh caught brook trout for breakfast!! (note to self - renew fishing license!)
    15) MFP!!!

    This is the best thread!! Thanks - made me smile and stop and focus on the good for awhile. All warm and fuzzy now!!! (((hugs)))
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I like this topic!!!! Here is my ten in no order whatsoever:
    1. sunshine
    2. ANYTHING to do outdoors(hiking fishing running a trail ANYTHING!!!)
    3. animals(especially my three lil boys and wolves...)
    4. Good quality dark chocolate and a tie with italian food
    5. kids(I don't have them yet) but they are so cute and innocent so are oldsters!!!
    6. popcorn and a good movie(especially an indie flick)
    7. any song that makes me wanna get up and dance(pretty much just music makes me happy)
    8. a LETTER(not email text call) from a old college friend/old friend in general
    9. the first snow of winter(after that I hate it, cause its too cold)
    10. Sports especially FOOTBALL, SOCCER and HOCKEY!!!!

    Of course since you said other than wt loss I was gonna say a runners high and that "you look great" compliment from people...they kinda fall under the wt loss thing, so I avoided them and I am glad everyone said sunshine(almost) and there is something nice about a summer thunderstorm especially how it looks right before like nature is unleashing a beautiful fury upon you....
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Bump...keep em coming people!!
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Ok here are my top ten at the moment they could change or get bumped (like the people on my speed dial and all Sienfeld fans)...anyway...

    1. My 2 wonderful boys
    2. Nursing school as hard as it is at my old age
    3. A great new pair of shoes
    4. Mexico
    5. GOOD real friends
    6. My sister
    7. Laughing ( i do it a lot)
    8. A good glass of wine
    9. A good weigh in at weight watchers
    10. Dancing....
    I am sure there is so much more...

    zen :wink:
  • BlackBeltLJ
    BlackBeltLJ Posts: 190
    No particular order

    1. the tail lights on the last bus on a rough school day
    2. when my children do their chores the first time I ask (I would say without me asking but that would be a miracle.)
    3. when I come home from a long day and someone else cleaned the kitchen
    4. The smiles and laughter of my students
    5. hugs and kisses from my children (I don't get them much since they are teens)
    6. Time alone with my hubby
    7. Time ALONE in the bathroom without someone at the door saying "mom are you in there?" or the cat clawing and meowing to get in
    8. getting my taekwondo forms right
    9. Fat free, calorie free, guilt free raspberry devil's food chocolate cake with fudge icing (I can dream:embarassed: )
    10. Any fabric store and a limitless charge card
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Here's more:

    Knowing Jesus as my Savior.
    Knowing He's preparing me a mansion in Heaven.
    Having a place to live and a nice bed to crawl into at night.
    Memories of my wonderful George. (Boyfriend who passed away last September.)
    My kids and grandkids again.
    My cats.
    Singing along to the songs on my Ipod. I'm loving Dallas Holm right now. What a wonderful singer.
    Warm sunny days.
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    My Boys
    My friends
    Clean Sheets (right out of the dryer)
    SF Giants
    Watching my kids play baseball
    Dancing in my kitchen like a idiot
    Singing like a cheese ball in the car
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Freshly mowed grass

    The first rumblings of a thunderstorm

    Baby giggles

    My dog singing to the old hymn Alleluia

    Mr. Bean and Bertie Wooster

    Watching my teens build sand castles on the beach (together.... cooperating)

    Knowing I've made someone else happy

    Knowing I only scraped the car on a tree instead of hitting it outright... oh, that's relief, not happiness
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