Week 3 on South Beach...

Hi all!

I'm on week 3 following south beach and I'm feeling good! I have 50 lbs to lose. A little over over 3 lbs down, 47 to go. This is going to be a long journey for me, but I'm ready to do this for myself so I can get healthy again and look better as well. I can't wait to feel better about myself again and feel happy to go clothes shopping!

Once I get halfway to goal I'd like to go shopping and get myself a few nice outfits.


  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Congrats & buy a food scale! I've done SBD a few times, it was the first thing I tried when I got curious about losing weight. People will probably post here saying diets don't work, are restrictive, blah blah blah and that is correct to an extent but I had good results with it except I didn't pay careful attention to Phase 3. After I did Phases 1 & 2 of SBD and introduced the restricted foods back into my diet I didn't weigh anything nor pay attention to serving sizes and gained the weight back. For example, I still ate a mountain of pasta when an actual serving size is barely enough to feed a wren. I think a downfall of SBD is it does not suggest calorie counting or weighing food. I didn't learn about portion control until I got on MFP and then I bought a food scale and read food labels.
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    I am curious to know how much you lost the first two weeks. Dont they say you lose quite a bit in the first two weeks as those are the most restrictive?
  • lanakat
    lanakat Posts: 22 Member
    I was on SB years ago and did quite well on it. I started MFP in Feb of this year. I recently hit a plateau in weight loss that lasted for several weeks. I dug out my SB books. I figured that since I have been eating healthy and counting calories for a while I would start on phase 2. In the past two weeks of being on phase 2 I have lost 5 pounds. So It helped me get over my recent plateau. Im very happy with my results. I am still counting calories and using the SB phase two as my guide for most of my foods. I plan on keeping SB food list incorporated into my healthy eating plan for life. Its basically just REAL foods. Hope this helps!