Can't pass the AirForce Fit Test !

I have recently joined MFP and have many goals as I have failed my fit test 2 months ago. 1st-to loose weight and have a smaller waist measurement. 2nd-to become stronger so that I can do more push-ups and crunches. 3rd- be able to run or walk really fast. Big goals! Does anyone have a home gym that they can recommend? I would like to have something nice and not too expensive for my basement.


  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Oh no!! The blasted new standards are hurting a lot of people! I'm sorry to hear you fall in that category. I finished a round of P90X shortly before my test and I did pretty well. My run time improved even though I hadn't been running very regularly (i thank PlyoX for that). I rocked the sit-ups and my pushups were pretty decent. You might want to try that. All you need really is a yoga mat and a couple of sets of dumb bells and a pull up bar. You can modify the pull-ups with a resistance band but I don't think that is quite as effective. It is definitely cheaper than buying a home gym and can get you in just as good of shape (if not better). Also Chalean Extreme is a good program too. It is a little less time consuming than P90X but will definitely help you get stronger. You can check out my blog (site listed in my signature block) and order those programs. I like them because they give me a set schedule as to what to do on what days. There is no time wasted building up a plan and putting guess work into how to best build up muscles. It's laid out for you already. Sorry I can't recommend any actual home gyms, I don't have much experience there. Add me as a friend and hopefully I can help you out. I hate seeing so many people being hurt by these standards and feel that many haven't been given the proper tools/knowledge to get ready.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Definitely P90X. It works.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Idk what you are looking for but we have a 6-wk pushup challenge thread:

    based on

    A lot of people also do the Couch to 5k program for running- you can search that on the threads and find some pretty good programs. I did one and just the other day ran my first 4 mile run at just under 12 min per mile.

    Good luck!