Please shed some insight


I am running my first marathon in one month. I am a pretty "slow" runner. I have ran 4 half marathons in the following timings 2:21, 2:20, 2:16, and 2:15. I have ran up to 20 miles now. my 20 miler took awhile as I took a few more walk breaks.... I am starting to get really nervous that I am not ready. I have no particular goal in mind for this full marathon. Finishing is more than enough for me. But.. I want to know I gave it my all. I am pushing for a 5 hour limit. Do you think this is achievable for a slow runner? I am incorporating strength training 2 or 3 times a week, speed interval training once a week and running hills ( I live on a road with lots and lots of hills........ ). The owner of the gym I go to has given me a training program, and I follow it as best as I can. Strength training is important, but that is where I am struggling. ( I work two jobs and am on two volleyball teams and a softball team) . My last half was this passed weekend when I achieved 2:15. I was so dang happy I cried. that is 6 minutes faster than the first time I did the course only a year ago.

Please give me some insight or needed confidence to make this marathon a success. ( I have a lot of people traveling to watch me COMPLETE)

Thank you so much!


  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    I don't have any marathons under my belt. But I have accomplished several half ironman races. My first attempt I felt exactly the same way you are. Just nervous about it all and doubting whether I was ready. I've always found that race day is a completely different experience than a training run. There's just that extra adrenaline you get from the crowds and signs and people cheering you on. You are as ready as you can be and just go see what happens. Expect some tough moments, races seldomly go perfect so handling the "oh no"s is what will make or break you. It's great that you've gotten in a 20 miler. Most of my friends that run long distance tris or marathons say that 18 miles and up is where it gets mental. You got this! Finish it and you have that memory forever.
  • Zaria_Athena
    Zaria_Athena Posts: 56 Member
    My half marathon times are very similar to yours and I ran my first full marathon in 2009 in 4:46.
    You can do it!
    Don't doubt yourself.

    Go at a very comfortable pace.
    Start out slow.
    Fuel properly.
    Enjoy the experience. High five the kids, smile for the cameras etc.
    Expect there to be highs and lows physically and emotionally but just keep going.

    I may be a 'slow' runner but I am still a runner. It's all about seeing progress in yourself. Don't compare yourself to anyone else.